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Jm‘n! Rzgulatiom [4 of 1909
To prevem une inflndnmion oî communicable diseue lnlo flic Nul
Joint Rzgulan'on No. 4 of 1909 mupublished by the High Comim'ssion
ofthe Western Paciflc in Suva, l"iji in 1909. It erzprimzdmumendzd
by thefollowbxg regulatimu:
J.R. 1 of1919 W.P.H.C. Gazette No. 10 of1919
J.R. 3 of I919 WPJLC. Gazettz No. 23 ofl919
1.12. 4 of 1920 W.P.H.C. Gazette No. 23 of 1920
J.R. 1 0/1926 W.P.H.C. Gazette Na. l9 of1926
J.R. 4 of 1949 Condominium Gazette No. 168
J.R. 2 of 1961 Condominium Gazette No. 210
WHnnnAs it is expedient t0 tale measuns tu premt (h: introduction
nf Communisme Dimws imo the Naw Hebrides.
In this Regulation unless the subject or oonœxt otherwiœ requins—
"Cons‘ul" menus Consul—Genre], Consul, VîœJConsnl, a: Consular
Agent, or any peu-son representing Gras: Britain or France in n
consulat capacity;
"l'he Group" menus 0h: islands comprised in ch: New Hebrides
and flic Banks and Terres Islands;
“Health Oflîccr” imam any person appointcd by the High Commis—
sioners of Grcat Britain and France oonjointly to nct a: health
officer under this Regulation;
“Communicable dimu“ means and includes cholcra, smallpox,
seule! fevzr (sculatina), oriental plague, enteric or typhoid
fever, yellow fever, fcver, meules, [whooping cough,] and any
discase of such a nature au w make it nnœtmin whether it i5 on:
of the afaresnid diseases or net;
“Vassal in quarantine" means any vessel which 1ms not beau admincd
to pratique or which 1ms been placed in quaranfine unde‘r the
provisions of this Regulation;
“High Commissionm" means Lb: High Commissionm cf His
Britannic Majesty and cf Lhe French Republic for the New
“Resîdcnt Commissioners” means the Ruidcnt Commissioneis of
Great Brimin and of 111e French Rvpublic for the New Hebridzs;
“Infecud port” mcans any place ut wbich a vassal bas touclwd or
from which a vessel 1ms cleared whcre communicable diseane
is known or bas been declared tu exist;