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Joint Rtgulatlom' [(3 of 1919) 4 cf 1909
To mke provision for ths doreuth of qnnnnfine in the New
Jnint Regulan'on Nn. 3 of 1919. [Pubh'shed in Western Pmfic High
Commit)" Gazette No. 23 af 1919.]
l. Whereas by Joint Regulntions Nos. 4 cf 1909 and 1 011919
provision is made l'or vessels and passengers t0 undergo quarantine
in certain contingncies and whereas it is necessary w mnke provision
for the proper carrying ont and enforoement cf such quarantine.
2. Tlie Resident Commissionen shall set apart snob plane cr
places as they may ses fit as quarantine stations at wlsich may be
landed and detsined nny persan, cargo or haggap from any vessel in
quarantine and near which if possible nny vessel in quarantine may
be anchored l‘or the purpose oi' sueh quarantine.
3. Any station or anchorsge so set apm and the boundaries
Lhereol' shnll be dnly announced by public notice issued by the
Resident Commissioncrs conjointly.
4. The Reeident Commissioners my conjointly appoint nny
fit psi-son to be Superintendent ot’ such quarantine stations or
anchorsges and nmy appoint suclr gunrds or other ofiieers as may be
deemed requisite to ensure the due observance of tlle provisions of
flu's Regulation.
5. Every persan in any quarantine station and every persan on
bond nny vessel in quarantine shnll be bound to obey al] lawful
orders issned by the Supefinœndent aforesaid or by any guard
or miser ofiîoer charged with the execution cf thîs Regnlntion in any
quarantine station or on boaxd any vessel in quarantine.
6. When a vessel in quarantine 1ms been snchm'ed as provided
in section Il or the Joint Regnlation Nos 4 of 1909 any persan on
huard such vessel may if so ordemd by a Hcalth Office: cf the Port
be landed ot a quarantine station as aforesaid as well as any baggage
as may be directed or allowed by such Health 0mm but no persan
shall leave such vessel while in quarantine nur transmit any article
timon-0m except to proeeed to or be taken m a quarantine station
al Lhe Lime and in the manne: directes! by the Heath Oflioer,
7. (1) During the detention in quarantine of the crew nr
passengers landed from nny vessel the master or owner of such vessel
shall provide and supply for the crew and passengers provisions on
the salue scale as during the voyage and shall be lisble far any
neglect to supply the saine to a penalty not exoeeding twenty pounds
(five lmndred francs).