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Joint chulatians [12 ol' 1914
ised agent. In case of the refusal of such pal-son or of bis agent
aforesaid to be premt at the examination such goods shall remain
in Bond nnd tbe procedute 8118.11 be the same as that laid down for
cases cf a like nature, provided alwnys that nothing in this article
3111111 prnvent any criminal prosecution upon the diswvcry of any
breach of thx's Regulntion.
51. The oost of transport, unpacking. pacb'ng. weighing.
smWAge and all expenm whatwever incurred in dealing with
gonds designnœd l‘or inspection 5111111 be defrayed by the declnrant.
The inspection my only be mode in dnyljght nnd during regulnr
oflîoe 11mm. In case of a special inspection outside the uflîue ar afwr
regulnr ofline heurs tlre expemes shall be paid by the declamnt.
57. Surtements of fact mode by nny Customs Oflioer in respect
of the weight measnre and number ot' goods shall be final and shall
serve as a base for 1.11a levy 01' duty. T11: Cuswms Ofiicer nmy înke
samples to assist 111.111 in determining t11e duty to be pald.
53. Where gonds are unfit for humnn comman the Customs
Office: 5111111 cause [hem to be destroyed. When goods are partly
damagd the owner mny mnke n selecfion and 5111111 puy duty on the
portions which are fit for use.
54. When a Customs Olfioer shall dispute the oorrectness 01' a
declaration in respect of nature, kind, quality, origin or value cf
gonds 11e 311311 give notice w the pmy ooneemed or to bis representa—
tive, W110 3111111, within twenty—four 110m, state w11et11er 11e aocepts
or contents the estimnte of 511011 Ofiioer of Customs.
55. W'lmn ll1e declamnt, or 111: legal representnüve accepta;
t11e estimnte af on Oflieer cf Olstoms 11e shall sign with such Oflî/eer
the finnl report ot' the examinaticn.
56. If t11e declarant or 1115 representntive 511111 refuse to aooept
the valuntion cf en Ofiiner ol' Customs he shnll be summoned befnre
the Joint Court. which shall decx'de summnrily upon expert evidence
as t0 (11: amounl cf duty w be paid.
PAYMxm‘ on Du'nm
57. Duties and chargea of nll kinds payable under tln'x Reguln-
tion shall be paid in English or French legnl cumncy withont delay
to the Collecter of Customs, or to t11e Assistant Collecter or to any
other Ofiîoer W110 my be duly anthorised in that behalf by the
Resident Commissioners.
58. Gonds which are securlty for duty shall in no case be taken
away or embarked until the dnties shall have hem pajd or deposiœd.
In al] cases the Resident Commisslaners may aœept secured abaques
or bills and may allow the parties conoemed, W110 5111111 give secun'ty