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Jo'mt Rzgulatian: [6 0‘ 193]
The Superintendent of Works and the Chief Condominium
Medicnl Ofi‘loer shall satisfy themselves that the sanitary standards
laid down in this Joint Regulnîion are complied with in every respect.
The Saniun'y Commission brougbt inw being by Joint Reguha—
tion 6 of 1929 shall only be consulted in regard m Condominium
Administrative buildings whcre agreement is no! reached by me
Superintendenl oi' Works and the Cbief Condominium Mediual
2. (a) Fowl bouses shall be keptina state ofoxtreme cleanliness.
They shall be frequently whitewashed, and shall be npm from any
dwelling bouse.
(b) It is strictly forbidden t0 keep pigs within the limits of the
(c) A11 cattle sheds, stables or other buildings or planes used for
the enclosure of domesfic animals, shall be kept in n constant state oi'
3. No stable, cattle shed, or allier building for tbe maintenance
of domestic animal: shnll be built witbin lhe limits of Lhe town of
Vila without the joint autbority of me Resident Commissionars,
issued on dis recommendntion of the Plaident of tbe Sanitary
4. Existins came sheds, stables, en, for which authority lus
been refusod, shall, on teoeipt of written noflfiœlion by me owner,
be demolishod a! his expense.
5. Every employer of labour shnll provide suoh latrines for
the use of bis Iabourers as may be thcugln neœssary by the Presidcm.
oi‘ tbe Sanilary Commission.
6. lt is forbidden to bury any humain corpse exœpl in the
recognised oemeœries. Burislx shnll not cake plane except aller
designation by the Administration of tbe site of the grave. h is alsn
forbidden to bury Lhe bodies of animals within one hundred mettes
of any dwelling bouse or other inhabited building. '
7. Th: facndes of bouses facing a rond or courtde sball be
mainmined in a constant stars of cleanliness; yards and land shall
be kept cleared of ail bush and undergrowlh. [The growing 01'
bananas, Inro and ail plants the leaves of which are imbricared is
probibitedJ All mud holes and puddles shnll be effectiver stopped
up and drained. [l'he owners and oocupiers of premises witbin du
town sbnll be responsible for tbe cleaning (cum'ng of weeds and
saking away of refuse of all kinds) to the satisfaction of ‘he Sanitary
Commission1 oftlut part oflhe side ofthe rond, and also if applicable,
thst portion of the beach as far as low watar mark, situaœd immedi-
ately fronting the promises]