Issued by the Residznt Commissionm under the provisions ol'
Article 7 cf the Anglo—French Protocol 1914, as amender! by au
Exchange of Notes between the British and Frennh Governnwnts
which came inro force on 8th May, 1940.
l. (1) From the date of œming into force of this Regnlntion
the installation of material tu convey elecn'io current for lighting or
power produeed by the power bouse at Vila cf l'Union Électrique
Coloniale (hereal'ter c'alled thn concessionnaire), whose concession
to snpply such current mulet the provisions of the contract with the
Joint Administration datod th: 10th May, 1939, commenced an the
1st October, 1941, ahall be gnverned by the following rulea—
(a) the rules Laid down by “l'Unian des Syndicats d‘Electricite’"
dated the 9th January, 1929, or
(b) the Standards Association of Australia Wixing Rules
Part 1 (Wiring Methoda) dated Janunry, 1940.
(2) The abuve rulns may be substinlted for othen by Joint
Order oî the Resident Commissioners.
(3) .The Union Électrique Coloniale al Viln shall maintnin
copies of thc nbove rules nt their ofioe at ViIa avnilable for inspec-
tion by prospective clients and installation oontractors.
2. (l) The concessionnaire or his agent shall have the right
to examine every installation attaclmd tu the network of l‘Union
Électrique Coloniale nt Vila and œ refuse to provide entrent if lie
oonsidzrs any part ofsuch installation is ineñ'wtive according to the
mlns aforementionod,
(2) There shall be au appeal against snob decision w the
Electricity lnspector (Agnnt de Contrôle) wlmse decision shnll be
(3) The Concessionnaire and his agent and the Inspeclm of
Elecm'city shall have the right to enter any building or:other place
for the pur-poses of suc]: inspection as aforesaid and any obstruction
thereto shall be considered an oiîence against Lhis Regulntion.
3. (l) The Rident Commissioners shall appoint an Inspector
of Elecuicity (Agent de Contrôle) whose functions slull be—
(n) w inspect and report to the Resident Commissioners on nny
electrical equipnwnt 11e consist defective nr dangerous
under the provisions ol' this Regulation;