Joint Rzgulamm No. 18 of 1954 wnrpublirhed in Condoman Gazette
No. 185 and i: reprinted m'amende by thefollawiaglaint Rzgulariwu:
11 of 1956 Condominium Gazette No. 192
l M1957 Condominium Gazette No. 194
Issued by the Resident Commissioners under the provisions of
Article 7 of 111e Anglo-French Protocol of 1914.
1. This Joint Regulation inny be cited us the Snnto Wlmrf
Loan Joint Regulation.
2. The Crown Agents for Oveneas Governments and Admini-
strations (hereinafler referred to as "I'he Crown Agents”) acting on
bennlf of the Condominium rnny mixe by lonn in London an amounk
sufiiciem t0 produce as nearly as may be the snm of four hundred
[and ñfty] thousand pounds sterling and une]: further sum as mny be
necessnry to defray the expenses of issue.
3. The munies to be borrowed under the authority of Article 2
hereof shnll be nppropn'ated and applied w (lie construction of a
Wharfand auxiliary buildings at Santo and to the expenses incidental
t0 the raising of Lhe snid lonn.
4. The principal manies borrowed under lhe provisions of thix
Joint Regulation and the interest thereon are hereby charged upon
Lhe general revenues and assets cf the Condominium.
[5. So long as nny portion of the loan remainx outstanding—
(a) The Resident Commissioners shnll in each hnlfyenr ending
with the dny on which the internet cf the lonn falln due
approprinte out of Lhe revenm and assets of the Con-
dominium a sum equnl to one half year‘s interest on the
whole cf the 102m outstanding and 51ml] remit (ha! 511m to
the Clown Agents at snob time n: will mable Lhem to pny
Lhereont the then entrent lulf year‘s interest on (ne day
on whjch it falls due.
The Resident Cormnissioners shnll ako in each hnlf year
ending as nforesaid appropriate ont of the said revenues
and asseîs of the Condominium l‘or thn formation of n
sinking fund for the repayment oi' the lonn at par an
additional sum in respect of the tonal nominal amount of
the loan oummndjng equal t0 one hall of du annual
contribution tn be decided npon by the Resident Com-