MADE by the Resident Commissionen under the provisions of
Article 7 of me Anglo—Frcnch Protocol, 1914.
1. No persan shall cncroach upon the public toad either by
placing cime maœrials or movable objects of any sort or by erecting
there buildings or permanent constructions.
[lA. For the pnrposes of dais Rzgulation, the expremion
“public rond” shnll menu any rond open tu public nu whether or
not it forma part cf the public demain and 51ml] include not anly the
road—way but also the aides oî the rond wilhin lhe limits of th:
ground occupin by such 10m.]
2. Whm any building mercanth on n public rond either
Rcsident Commission“ may issu: a notiœ in wn'ting to tlm owner
thereof ordering lb: removal of such building, or of that pan of such
building, which encroacha on me said public rond, and within one
mont]: of recaipt the owner ofthe said building shall comply with [ha
said notice.
3. Thc clonring of materials or buildings cncroaching on thc
public rond mny b: undertaken by instruction in writing of the
Resident Commissionm jointly, thc ces! bcing moverabl: frmn (h:
[4. Anthority may be given to the owners of land border-ms a
public man tu consu'nm cimle grids moreau provided thnt—
(a) such came grids confonn to tlw type plan drawn up by the
Public Works Department, which may ha viewcd a! lb;
oflice cf thnt Deparlment;
Lhe work is donc at the expenae and risk uf the owner of Lhe
ndjoining land and tbat no grid shall be deemed to have
bcen authorised nnül inspected and approved by the
Supcrinœndent cf Public Wurkx or an oficer appointed by
him or by Lhe British or anch District Agent of (ho
District for flic islands olher than Efate and Saute;