[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Joint Regultm'on: [2 nf 1956
8. The Court of First Instance shall have jnrisdiclion over
ofienœs ayjnst 1h: provisions of this Regulation, whatever the
nationality or slatns of the amsed.
9. Branches of this Regulation shall be punishable by a fine
not exoeeding 520 or by imprisonment un m one month or by bath.
In addition, me Cour! may order the liquor seized t0 be confiscated,
in which case il shall deîcnnine what action shall be taken tu dispose
cf it or t0 destroy it.
10. The following are exempt from the provisions cf (bis
(a) Liquor hein; transported on importation into the Group,
between dock and store.
(b) Liquor in sma.“ quantities transported by the impomr’s
dclivery vehicie or in a private vehicle withjn a town from
a.n importet’s store t0 a house for personal consumption by
the occupier and his family.
(c) The caxriage cf a reasonable quantity oulside a mwn eiLher
on the persan or in a private vehicle for consumption by
lhat pemon or Lbe passenms in the vehicle on thc saine day.
11. This Regulaüon shall be exhibited where neccssary.
Daœd at Vila Lbis ninth day of Jamlary, 1956.
The Resident Commissionet Her Britannic Majesty’s
for the French Repnblic Rasidcnt Commission“