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Joint Rzgulution: [3 nf 1956
5. Any autharised office: may invcaügue branches cf du:
provisions of (bis Regulation, whatevcr thc nationalin of Lhe suspec-
œd offendm.
6. Any persan so required by an authon'xed ofiiœr shall assis:
in any investigation cf suspectcd brcaclins cf the Regulan‘on.
7. The mord of aninvestigation ofa breach of this Regulafion
51ml] be sent t0 lb: Pmident cf the Court of First Instance having
jurisdiction in une District. Any liquor in comcfion with which an
ofl'mce i5 commitœd under tln's Regulation shall be seiæd.
8. Th: Court of Fim Imtanœ shall have juflsdiction ovet
ofiuwcs agaimt Lb: provisions of Lhis rcgulnflon, wlumver me
nationality or status cf the accused
9. Any persan who l‘ai]: to oomply with me provision! of
sections 3, 4 or 6 of this Regnlation, or who makes a falxe entry in a
11'un mgixær, or wlw givcs afals: name or address when qmfioned
by du kœper of a liquor regîsœr, for the purpose of making a record
in hi: registcr, or who fails to produise his liquor register or to revu!
hi: stock oî liqu when required to du soby au authorised ofiim.
allai] be guilty ofan oflenœ and shall be liable, to afine not exoecding
220 or [o imprisonment nm cxceeding on: momh. or t0 bath penal—
10. The Court may onier the Liquor seiud to be oonfiscaœd in
which case it shall determine what action shall be takcn to dispou
of il m t0 dmlmy iL
Dated at Vîla this ninth day cf January, 1956.
The Resl'dem Commissioner Her Brimnic Majesty’s
for th: French Republic Rcsidant Commissioner