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Joint Regulatiom [5 ni 1957
3. The Resident Commissioners may appoint as many
alternate members as there axe [nominnhed] uuofiizial members;
the alternate member may be called upon w attend a meeting of
the Council should the substantive member for whom he ix alterna]:
he Imable t0 be present; provided that for the plu-pose cf con-
stituting n quorum the Resident Commisaiunera mny appoint as a
œmporaty member any alternate member or any cther persan, in
which case lhe œrm of ofiîoe shall be govemed by the tenus of the
4. [The Mm cf oflîee of unofiicial membm shnll be two yens
from tbe date of appointment or eleclion. Re—appointment or re-
election for a. further term or tenus shall not be precludedJ The
Resident Comissioners ming joindy may remove or suspend from
the Council any member who shaJl have been convicted cf auy
criminal ofi'ence and sentenced to a. term cf imprimth by a
competent court either within or withoul the territory.
5. The functions cf the Ccuucil shaJl be mler advisory.
Submission of matters tu the Council for advice shall be at the
disaetion of the Reaident Commissioners.
[6. A quorum ofthe Council shall conaist cf the two Presidmm
and net les: (han sixwen members, uf whom seven are private
cimed membersJ
7. No menthe: of the Council anal] be psid for meanbership
or attenduwe. The Resident Commissioners may in theix discretion
provide fm' thc payment by the Joint Administration cf reasmble
travelling expenaea and in the me of mbem not living ou Efate,
a. subsistance allowanœ et the rate nm‘mally applicable to a Head cf
8. 'l'he Councilahallmcetnotleas than once a yens axatime
and plane decided upon by the Reaident Commissioners.
9. The Residenl Commissioners shall prepare the Agenda for
eaeh session and shsll mange for its distribution to membcrs before
the meeting.
10. The Residcnt Commissioncts shall appoint an oflîcial
Secrelary or Secretafiea for each meeting and provide for the
recording of minutes of the Ccuncil’s proceedings.
11. Euh Resideut Commissioner may nominate one o: more
ofiiœrs of his national administration to attend any meeting as bis
adviser, and a Head cf Departrnent may he required by the Council