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Joint Regulation: [10 of 1957
(b) A receivable order issued to efi'ect the repayment of an
advanoe or payment incorrectly mnde shnll be oalled n repayrnent
' (c) Revenue collected under Section 18 and l9 above shall be
oovered monthly by consolidnted receivabie orders issued by the
Ordonnateur and approved by the 'I‘reasurer.
21. Tire gross nmolmt of each receipt shall be credited t0
revenue, any cost cf collection or supervision being dehited t0 the
appropnate item of expenditure.
ü. Except where otherwise provided by legislntion a revenue
collector shali immediately issue a reeeipt frorn a bock cf numbered
counœrfoil reoeipts for each sum collected by him.
73. (a) No olfioer responsible for the collection of revenue
shail consent to payment hein; deferred, without specifie permission
ot' the Resident Commissioners.
(b) Should a payee dispute the correctness of any revenue
assessment mmde against him ne shall, nnless permissian to defer
payment han been obtained frorn the Resident Commissioners, firs‘t
puy in the amonnt assessed, and submit a requelt for adjustment t0
the Resident Cmnmissioners through the Ordonnaœur and Treasurer.
24. (a) Faüure to pay any tax or due of any kind, which hns
been properly demanded or notifierl, within du: cime prescribed by
law rentiers the defanlter linble to civil action in the appropriate
court for reoovery of such tu or due tcgether with ureh cons as the
Joint Administration may have inmlrred thereby.
(b). Any persan responsable for the collection of revenue shall
in the event oi' nny paylnent not being manie within the lime pre-
scribed by lnw report the circonstances to the Trensurer, who shall
recommend action for recovery to the Resident Commissionen.
E. Revenue collectors and paying ofiicen and monntmls
shnll be appointed by the Resident Commissioners on the recom-
mandation of tbe Treasurer, the maximum amount of fnnds tu be
held by such oflieers being determined by the Treasurer.
26. A revenue Collecter or paying oflioer ehall, a1 the first
opportunity, pey in to the Treaaury or into a Joint Administration
ban]: aooount any amount in excess of thc maximum allowed, such
payment heing supported by nny documents required by Financial
27v No ofiioer other than the Treasurer shall make paymentx
oumide the îerritory.