Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | DescriptionPhotographies de Georges Liotard effectuées lors de plusieurs visites dans le village de Lendombwey (centre-sud de Malekula, Vanuatu). La grande partie de ces photos montre le rituel funéraire qui a eu lieu en Septembre 1974.Language(s)French (fra)Technical informationSet(s): 414 | Digitization task: 1Number: 328 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2010-03-08 / 2010-03-18 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | DescriptionPhotographies prises au cours de plusieurs séjours à TannaTechnical informationSet(s): 431 | Digitization task: 2Number: 450 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2010-04-02 / 2010-04-23 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | Description[no description available]Technical informationSet(s): 663 | Digitization task: 17Number: 76 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2011-01-03 / 2011-03-11 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | Description[no description available]Technical informationSet(s): 664 | Digitization task: 17Number: 9 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2011-01-03 / 2011-03-11 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | Description[no description available]Technical informationSet(s): 665 | Digitization task: 17Number: 27 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2011-01-03 / 2011-03-11 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | DescriptionFête du "NA-GRIAMEL" (18 au 24 Octobre 1974 ) a VANAFO avec son leader Jimmy STEVENSTechnical informationSet(s): 666 | Digitization task: 17Number: 246 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2011-01-03 / 2011-03-11 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | Description[no description available]Technical informationSet(s): 667 | Digitization task: 17Number: 89 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2011-01-03 / 2011-03-11 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | Description"FORARI" - Fête du père Channel avec la communauté WallisienneTechnical informationSet(s): 835 | Digitization task: 43Number: 13 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2012-03-01 / 2012-03-26 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | Description[no description available]Technical informationSet(s): 836 | Digitization task: 43Number: 184 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2012-03-01 / 2012-03-26 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | Description[no description available]Technical informationSet(s): 837 | Digitization task: 43Number: 56 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2012-03-01 / 2012-03-26 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | DescriptionCoral Tours ; Escale bateau de tourisme " Kuala-Lumpur" ; Accueil touristes sur l'ilot Mélé (Octobre 1967 ) et l'ilot ErakorTechnical informationSet(s): 838 | Digitization task: 43Number: 51 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2012-03-01 / 2012-03-26 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | Description[no description available]Technical informationSet(s): 839 | Digitization task: 43Number: 22 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2012-03-01 / 2012-03-26 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | Description[no description available]Technical informationSet(s): 840 | Digitization task: 43Number: 41 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2012-03-01 / 2012-03-26 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | Description[no description available]Technical informationSet(s): 841 | Digitization task: 43Number: 14 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2012-03-01 / 2012-03-26 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | DescriptionMariages dans le village de Mélé . Aout 1969 et Juillet 1970 ; Mariage Fidjien à Port-Vila ( juin 1968 )Technical informationSet(s): 842 | Digitization task: 43Number: 43 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2012-03-01 / 2012-03-26 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | Description[no description available]Technical informationSet(s): 843 | Digitization task: 43Number: 28 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2012-03-01 / 2012-03-26 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access restricted Permanent URI: Table of Contents | Description[no description available]Technical informationSet(s): 844 | Digitization task: 43Number: 49 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2012-03-01 / 2012-03-26 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | Description[no description available]Technical informationSet(s): 845 | Digitization task: 43Number: 65 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2012-03-01 / 2012-03-26 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | DescriptionPoste de Port-Vila détruite en 1972 ; Eglise ; Tribunal mixte ; Prison.Technical informationSet(s): 846 | Digitization task: 43Number: 9 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2012-03-01 / 2012-03-26 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | Description[no description available]Technical informationSet(s): 847 | Digitization task: 43Number: 27 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2012-03-01 / 2012-03-26 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | Description[no description available]Technical informationSet(s): 848 | Digitization task: 43Number: 69 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2012-03-01 / 2012-03-26 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access restricted Permanent URI: Table of Contents | DescriptionSmall-Nambas . Objets surmodelés - Végétation - Pistes .Technical informationSet(s): 849 | Digitization task: 43Number: 175 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2012-03-01 / 2012-03-26 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | Description[no description available]Technical informationSet(s): 850 | Digitization task: 43Number: 7 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2012-03-01 / 2012-03-26 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | Description[no description available]Technical informationSet(s): 851 | Digitization task: 43Number: 21 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2012-03-01 / 2012-03-26 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | Description[no description available]Technical informationSet(s): 852 | Digitization task: 43Number: 28 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2012-03-01 / 2012-03-26 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | Description"TALTABUYAN". Fête des ignames. Juillet 1973 ; Scénes de vie ; Portraits de BONG - TALKON - SALLYTechnical informationSet(s): 884 | Digitization task: 64Number: 93 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2010-07-26 / 2010-08-12 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | DescriptionLe laplap est le plat traditionnel du Vanuatu. Ces photographies en présentent les phases de préparation.Technical informationSet(s): 885 | Digitization task: 65Number: 16 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2010-07-26 / 2010-08-12 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access restricted Permanent URI: Table of Contents | DescriptionSortie de réclusion des enfants circoncis après deux mois d'isolementTechnical informationSet(s): 886 | Digitization task: 61Number: 34 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2010-07-26 / 2010-08-12 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | DescriptionVillage d'AMOKTechnical informationSet(s): 887 | Digitization task: 62Number: 65 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2010-07-26 / 2010-08-12 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | DescriptionChef VIREMBAT - Cases - Femmes - Cérémonie du Kava - Danses - Portraits - Flèches faitièresTechnical informationSet(s): 888 | Digitization task: 66Number: 53 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2010-07-26 / 2010-08-12 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | DescriptionChef BONG - Village de BUNLAP - Piste aterrissage de LONORORE -Technical informationSet(s): 889 | Digitization task: 67Number: 17 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2010-07-26 / 2010-08-12 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | DescriptionFete des ignames "TALTABUYAN"Technical informationSet(s): 890 | Digitization task: 68Number: 34 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2010-07-26 / 2010-08-12 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | Description[no description available]Technical informationSet(s): 891 | Digitization task: 69Number: 62 Object(s) Format of originals: diapos tous formats Digitization dates: 2010-07-26 / 2010-08-12 |
Liotard, Georges Status: Access open Permanent URI: Table of Contents Table with images | DescriptionCourses de pirogues dans la baie de Port-Vila, le 14 juillet 1968.Technical informationSet(s): 914 | Digitization task: 71Number: 35 Object(s) Format of originals: Négatifs Digitization dates: 2013-02-28 / 2013-03-04 |