[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
sent extracts of his thesis to me in France, where I was living, and where his work, like that
of many other scholars, is not easily available. More recently, David Brooks sent extracts of
manuscripts that greatly helped my understanding of the local conditions at Warburton. Lee
Sackett provided data and explanations for those areas in which he did extensive work. He
also provided helpful suggestions afier reading the manuscript. Others, such as Katie Glaskin, ‘
John Henderson, Sandy Toussaint, and many more, have corresponded and discussed with
me particular questions relevant to this book. Nicholas Evans and Barbara Glowczewski
commented very constructively on a nearly final version. All have my deepest gratitude. Gill
Hutcherson did a remarkable job in reading and thinking about every single sentence. If this
book has become understandable, then it is largely thanks to her inestimable efforts.
20 S
E 500 1000 In
- Western Desert cultural bloc Q
Map 1: Approximate extension of the Western Desert cultural bloc
Key to Map 1
Spellings of dialectal groups or tribes, as well as of the terminology of social categories,
have usually been maintained as written in the reference quoted. The names as they are usually
spelled are between brackets.
1 Alynwarn Alyawarre Yallop 1969 2 Anna: Arrernte Spencer Gillenl927;
Elkin l 93 l :71
3 Bunnb: Bunuba McConve|l 19855 4 Djaberdjnbera Jabirr Jabirr Elkin 1933
5 Djugun Jukun Bates l985:207; Elkin 6 Jawnru Ynwurn Elkin 1933
7 Knlamnia Knlumyn Bates I925 8 Knndjari Knnjarri Mcconvell 1985a;
McKelson l980:2 l 5