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Jolnr Regulatimu [4 ni 1909
sa admitted on board such quaranüned ship shall be subject to the
same regulations as regards quarantine as the passengers and crew,
provided thnt the health ofim or any af his duly appointed agents
mny in case of neoessity hold communication with ship and show,
in which case due ptecaution anal] be taken to prevent the propaga-
tion cf disease, and the crew ofthe boat making such communication
shall be plaoed under observation. No boat not being under the
anthority of me health ofiîcer shall approach within one hundred
yards ol' a vessel in quarantine.
12. The supply cf provisions and drinking water to n vessel in
quarantine. and the discharge of bilge and waate water, anal] be
carried out under the supervision of the health oifioer and under
conditions t0 be determined by himi
13. The Rcsident Commissionera may hy reason of du:
proximity of an infected or suspected vessel quarantined nnder thia
Regulation or in conseqnenne cf an outbreak oi' epidemic diseane,
and on Lhe recommendnrion of the olficers of henlth, joindy declare
thnt any island or area on any island shall be in quarantine. Any
buildings and enclosures provided fm' the reoeption of sin or
auspected persans landed from infeoœd veau]: shall b: inclnded in
the ares declared m be in quarantine under this section.
[14. The period of quarantine to beundergone by passengers
landed from any infected or suspected ships shall be aeven days for
cholera, nine days for hnbonic plague or yellow fever, tan days for
smallpox, diphtheria, and measles, [founeen days for whooping
oough,][aeven days for Spnniah influenza], and six dnys, or auch
periods as may have been publicly notified hy the Reaident Com-
missionen conjointly, for other contagieux and infections dimses
commencing from the date cf the disembarknfion ofthe passengen
into the quannüne station or from that of the last case (of con—
mgious or infectious dineaxe) that bas happened on board.]
lS. The health ofim may before giving fie: pratique tu any
vessel ordet snob measules of diainfection t0 b: carried ont as tu
him may appenr to be neoeaaary, and the nos! cf such diainfeaion
shall be borne by the owner or consignee of snch veaseL
16. The health oflioer mny order the dibaxknüon of the
passagers and cargo of a suspected vessel us described in subaection
two of section ten of this Regnlation, provided that such passengers
ahall remnin in snch place and for auch time as may be apecified by
tbe health olfioer and shall be subject to hix orders during such
l7. A11 articles found on board a slu'p chat mny be considered
capable of tranamiflîng contagion; or infections diaeaae and which
it mny be impossible (o disinfect and dangerollx to alinw to he