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Joint Regulan'm [4 of 1909
opportunity msy ofi'er, and the examiniug medical oflioer shsll
order the immedime reparriation a! the oost of the employer of such
labourers as he msy suspect of being infected with leptosy or tuber-
25. The fee for the medicsl nomination prescribed in the next
preœding paragraph shnll be [7.50 francs] for each labourer examined
and shall be payable by the reeruiter or by the employer if such
employer bas recruited the labourm in his own vessel.
2.6. The duties of health ulfieer shall be fulfilled by two medical
oflioers—one English and one Frank—rendent al. Port Vil»; lo be
appoimed by me Briüsh and Freneh High Commissionsrs con-
joindy, and such health ofioers shall be assister! in the diiîerent
islands by other oflicers appointed by the Residem Commissioners
to whom they may delegste portion of their powen.
27. Esch of the medical ofiicers shall taire bis turn of duty sa
health ofiœr for sunh period of time as nmy be determined by Lhe
Resident Commissioners oonjointly: provided flint vessels fiying the
fiags ofthe two Powers parties to the Convention ofthe 20th October,
1906, eonn'ng from beyond the Group and engaged in the inter-
insulsr and eoastal trafiie shall be visiœd and inspected by a medical
ofioer of the nationality of such vessel irrespective of his tum of duty
under this section. In me same W indentured labourers shnll
be visited and examined by the medieal ofiicer of me nationality of
the employer.
28. The health ofioers shnll be empowered to requisiüon
lighters, bouts, horses, carts, cartilages, and any other mcans of
transport chat may be required for the due fulfilment or Lhe provisions
of Lhis Regulan‘on. They shall be supplier! with Lhe force neoessary
for the due supervision of the quarantine, and shall issue the
necessary orders to the persous cmploycd on such supervision.
19. In case of absence or incapacity of eithet of the health
ofiims, his duties nmy be performed by the miner; and in case of
the absence or incapacin of both their duties may be performed by
such persan as the Resident Commissioners mny jointly dim.
30, Every surgeon or physician in the Group whether
practising his profession or not, who shall have oognisanoe of an
outbreak of oontagious or infections diseuse in any island in the
Group, shall report such faet t0 the Resident Commissioncr havng
jurisdiction over him, and sucb Resident Commissioner shall
immedistely communicate the report to the two health ofiîocrs