Wx-nmms by Joint Regulafiom Nos. 4 of 1909 and 3 or 1919 the
Condnminium Governmcnt is empowercd (o cnforœ qnnnntine on
vaste]: and individuals, and
Whereu it in expedient to providn for lb: recovery by (ha
Condominium Governmt vf such expenditnre na mny b: incuned
in du: cnforoemem of snch quarantine.
1. Any expenditure incurred by th: Condominium Govem-
ment in canying out t1]: provisions cf Joint Regnlnn'ons Nos. 4 of
1909 and 3 cf 1919 in oonnection with the (intention in quaranfine of
any vessel or maels under sections 10 and 11 01‘ Joint Regulntion
Nu. 4 of 1909 and 2, 5 and 6 of Joint chnlafinn No. 3 nf 1919
nfmsaid 5119.11 b: reuoverable front lb: masm or ownar cf mon
vesscl or vesaels.
2. This Regulation 511311 be known as “’l'he New Hebrides
(Quarantine Expenscs) Regulnfion N01 4 of 1920.”
Publishnd and exhibiœd in (11e Public Oflioes of the Rumen:
Commissionen for Great Britain and thn Franc]: Republic nt Vil:
this lat day of Muy in the yen: 1920.
Ruident Commission! for His Britmnic Majesty’s
Lhe French Repnblic Rslident Commissionu‘