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Jnim Regulations [3 o! 1911
T0 prohlbit the disdurge nf lire-ms by night in du: lslllul cf Eflte.
Sourcz: Western l’acific High Commission 672/11.
1. The opetation of this Regulafion is limited to Lb: Island cf
2. The pracfice of dischuging firearms nt night, dut i5 t0 say:
from the First day nf April w (h: Thim'eth day of Septembct bctween
the heurs cf six of Lhe evcning and six ol' lb: moming, and from the
Fixst day of October le du Thirty-first day of Match between the
bouts cf scven of lhe :vening and five of the morning, is hexeby
3. Any person guüty or an infraction cf this Regulation shall
on conviction be liable t0 pay a money penalty not exœcding twenty
pounds and t0 sufi'et imprisonment for a period net exceeding on:
munth, or ta une or other of these penalties.
4. This chulation shnll nome into force on the First day cf
April, 1911, and may b: cited for a.“ purposes as "The New chridcs
Nuisances Regulation (No. 3) 1911".
Pubh'shed and exhibited in Lhe Public Ofliocs ol‘ the Ruident
Commissioners for His Britannic Majesty and for the French
chnblic this Twenty»fourth day cf Marc]: in the ycar Ninleeen
hundrcd and eleven.
For du High Commission: For H.B.M. High Commissioner
for the French Republic for thc New Hebrides.