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mm Rzgulan'ans [s n! 1914
T0 provide for lhe Iiglrling nf usuels in Vil: Hnrbmlr.
Juin! Regulalian Na. 5 01191407. 10/ l 914) wmpublù'hed in W.P.H. C.
Gazette Na. l3 af 1914 md i: nprinteda: amendedbyJoim Rzgulation
Na. s of1914 (Fr. No. 13 0/1914) (mua; 6mm Nn. 1 11/1915).
l. (l) A11 vessels in moment or at mchot in the harbour of
Viln shxll carry sidelighix or a riding light between minet and sunrise
as hereinaner provided.
(2) A11 moto: launches lightels plants barges and bonis lying
in Vilu lm-bour which have not been hauled up on the beach shnll
during the period aforesaid carry a white light plnced in the bows
Lhereof, provided tbat in vesscls hnving one or more mais the light
slmll be suspended from such nust or from the foremast when more
than one at a height cf not less flnm fifleen feet from the deck or if
me mast is no! of snfliciem height from the top of such mast.
2. All vessels specificd in section one (2) preœdjng which at
me date or the passing of thù Regulation heur no naine or distinctive
mark shall have a naine or mark paintcd clearly in black 1mm; of
at leur thee inches in length on a whiœ ground and suc]: naine or
mark shall be previously notified to Lhe two Resident Commissioners.
3. That pan of Vila Harbour thal lies w Lhe South cf a line
drawn from tbe Southem Wharf cf the Comptoirs Français des
Nouvelles—Hémich (o the Wharf of une British Residency on Lhe
island of shall not be considered a: included in Vila Harbour
for the purposes of this Regnlation.
4. Every boat or vessel nm being moomd or anchored in the
proximity of a mail stemer or (radins vessel shall be in the charge
of at least une person.
5. Infractions of this Regulation shall be repofled by any
oflîoer of police by thc oficers of the vessels lying in the harbonr and
by (he Health Oflicers ol' the port and the report cf suc]: infraction
shall be forwarded to une Resident Commissiomr oflhe Power having
jurisdiclion over Lhe persan charged wifll suc]: infraction and fl]:
Resident Commissioner shall inform the Public Prosecutor of the
Joint Court.
6. Persans charged with infractions ofthix Regulation shall on
tbe flamand of the Public Prosecntor be s'mnmnned to appear befm-e
the Joint Ccnrt and on proof of such infraction be condemned tu
puy a fine offrom four Shillings t0 four pounds and to sufier imprison-
ment cf from one ta six days or to une or m.th of theae penalties