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Joint Regulaxions [12 uf 1914
74. The sale shall not take place until five days after posting
sucli notice. The sale shall be lyy publie aucn'on and on the condition
that purchasers 51ml] pay al] dues or taxes to which lbe snid goods mny
be linble within a period cf fifteen days from date ofpllrchase of snch
75. Gonds without moneîary value may be destroyed in the
presence of the proper oflîoers who shall dnw up a report in respect
76. Notice whether of sales or otherwise shnll be exempt from
77. From the money reoeived as fines and fmm îhe ptcoeeds
of confiscations there may be granted by joint decision of the
Resident Commissioners to the 'ofiîcers who have reported the
ofl'ences and to any persan who shall have facilitaœd lheir detecüon
a reward or rewards the total cf whieh shnll in no case exceed one
hulf of Lhe amount cf such fines, seizures or sales:
[Ptovided flint no snob grau! shall be made t0 nny persan who
by virtue cf hjs ofiîœ shall have been concerner! in pronouncing
and judgment ordering such fine or confiscation]
78. When a seizuze is found t0 have been Innde without just
cause the owner cf r11: gonds seiud shall be entitled cc compensation
in the form of interest aî the rate cf une per oentum per mensem
on the value of' me gonds seized and sucb inætest 5h51! he calculated
from the date of the seizure up to the date when an ofier cf the
Ieturn of the goods hns been mnde. Provided thnl no such compensa-
tion shall be made if the afiîcen concemed shall have shown valid
tessons for Lheir action.
79. In case the goods have been previonsly 501d under the
authority of an crder, the owner may only daim the re-imbuxsement
of Lhe prooeeds of flic sale of the gonds together with interest at the
rate of une per cent. per mont]: on lhis mounl, calculaœd fmm Lhe
date of the aeizuœ up to me day when re-imbursement is ofi‘ered.
no. The Resident Commissioners may come w a settlement
of any dispute either before or afœr judgment.
Emncnnmm' on PAYMENTS
81. An order for the enforeement of payment may be made—
(l) Agajnst any persan refusing or neglecting w pay dues
justly due by him;
(2) Agimt any persan who shall have failed in any nnderlaking
entend into nnder this Regulation and agaiust the surety
cf suc]: persan;