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Jolm Regulntlmu [4 d' I913
Forflwfonnnfion MIFolœomehbnhrythew Hebridgs.
[Pubfishent Western Pacific High Commtrsion Gazzne No. 16 nf1973.]
l. Joint Regulation No. 9 cf 1909 (flic New Hem-ides Con-
stabulary chulaliun 1909) i5 hereby repenled and flic following
substituted therefor.
2. In pursllance of the provisions of scctions 4, S, and 6 01‘
Article 2 of Lhe Protocol signcd at London on thc 6th August, 1914,
by the representnrives of His Britannic Majty and oî the Govem—
ment of me French chanic there shall be established in the New
Hebn'das a force of Police to be designaœd me New Hebrides
Constabulary and to be composed cf two divisions cf equal strength
cach under the orders of irs respective Residen! Commissioner. The
number of officers non-commissioned ofiîærs and men in the lwo
divisions shall be snob as the two Resident Commissioners shnll
conjointly dam-mine.
3. The chiefofiiœrs ofth: two divisions who shall be designaœd
the Commandant of thc British m' of the French division shall be
appointed by the High Commissioner for His Britannic Majesty or
for the French Republic as the case may be and thosc appointmcnis
and those of any British or French ofiiær or non-oommissiancd
ofiœr as may be subsequently appoinœd t0 the force shall be nofificd
by the High Commissiancr making (ha nppointmznt t0 du cther.
4. The non-cammissîoned Dfiœrs and men cf the force shall
be nppointed by the Rasident Commissionns on Lb: recommde-
tion cf the Commandants and shail be meruiœd from among 111e
indigmous natives ofthe Ncw chrides or oflm'wise from amung lb:
indigenous native races of the islands of [11€ Sonth Pacific Ocean or
of otbcr placœ subjecl to Lhe Govcmments of His Britannic Mnjesty
or cf the French chublic.
5. The native non-commissioned oifiœrs and men or th: force
shall be engaged by enlistmcnt such enlistment tu be on such tenus
in regard to lcngth of service and Mngngement as may be detarmined
by the Resident Commissioners as hueinaflar provided.
6. The force shall be cluthed, armed, and equipped and 511311
receive suc]: pay and raflons or allowanoe in lieu of rations as En:
High Commissionem may from time tu rime respmjvely deœrminc.
Provided [bat as fmm the 1M: Mach. I922, and subject w the
provisions of Article 4 (1) cf the Protocol of the 6th August, 1914,
aîoresm'd ail expenditure in conneclion wiLb suc]: pay rations clothing
eqnipment and otber services of ranch fume 51ml] œase to be achargn
on Joint or Condominium fnnds.