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JoiMRegulatinns [sot 1929
Joint Regulatian No. S of 1929 mu published in Condominium Gazette
No. 30 and is reprinled with the following Joint Regulations, whinh
nsz ta and amend i1.
15 0f1954 Conddminium Gazette Na. 184;
11 of 1961 Condominium Gazelle Na. 213;
17 af 1962 Condominium Gazette Nu: 217.
Limirs defined.
1. From the dm of the coming into force cf this Regulnfion
En: limits of Lhe town of Vila, whîch shall include the island 01‘ Iririki.
are fixed as follows—
On flac West, by the ses;
O11 the South, and East, by 1.11: Colaxdean plantation;
On th: North (1) hy a clifi‘ which dividss 1.11: Condominium
main frorn the Colardeau plantation; (2) by L11: Southern
and Western boundnry cf Lhe Rossi plantation; (3) by the
Northem boundary of Lhe French Hospital lands tannins
East and West tu lhc Tagabc road; (4) 17y 1.11: Tagabe road
up to its junction with the Anabrou rond; (5) by 1.11:
Anabrou rond for a d'urance of approximater 370 mures
and, (6) 1.11911 by a 1111: running East and West for approxi-
mater 125 mettes ending in 1.11: sua.
2. A plan of 1.11: town cf V118 sem'ng out the limits hnein
de'fined 511211 îonn 11.11 anncx t0 lhe present Regulation.
3. This chnlation shall be cited for a1] purposes as the “New
Hebn'des Viln Town Limits Regulaüon No. S cf 1929," and 511211
00111: imo force on the date ôfpublicaücn.
Publishcd and exhibiœd in 1.11: public ofiioes of t1]: Resident
Commissionm for His Britannic Majesty andfm 1:11: Fœnch Republic
flu‘s twenty thixd dny of September, 1929.
Rcsident Commissioner for His Britannic Majesty’s
the Franc]: Republic. Rcsident Commissioner.