Mode by ihe Ruidan Commim'mrs under 1h: provüiam ofam'cle 7
uf the AngIo-French Protocol of 1914.
1. T11: Viia Town Limits, as defined in Joint Regulaticn No. 5
of 1929, un cxtended w include the fullowing properties cr portions
cf properfies—
(a) Portions A and B of lhe “Franceville” subdivision duived
from the propcrty regimred under No. 81 (Andre Cola:-
flint portion of the “Tauvemn” subdivision fonncd by the
propem'es registezed undcr No. 288, 324, 325, 326, 369,
375, 568 and 569;
(c) the southnn portion oi‘ du "Anabrou" subdivision derived
from, or forming pan cf, the property registered under
No. 51 (S.F.N.H.);
7. The properties mentioned inArticle l hercuf are particulariy
dcfimd by red hanhures on the plan approved by '11: Rcsident
Commissioners and annexed w Lbe prescnt Regulation.
A copy cf this plan shnll be lodged at (lie Land Titles Ofi‘we
and may be inspecœd thon: by any inœtested party.
3. The provisions of Joint Regulafion No. 6 cf 1931, in regard
to gcneral health measurea and oontrol of building construction
within the town limits of Vila, shall immcdiaœly become applicable
t0 the propenies mentioned in Article l hereof.
The propiinlor cf any building erecœd on these lmds shal]
however, b: allowed a period of on: ycar from thc daœ of publication
ni 111: present Regulation in which to efi'cct improvementx or
modifications œquircd by existing Regnlnüons.
4. Alfliough no! includcd in the new mwn limits there shall be
cruwd, as fi'oni date of publication of flac prcsenl Regulation,
extra-urban zones 30 mettes ftom me centre of thc undermentioned
ronds and extending on either side thereof, in which no building shall
b: erected exocpt undcr joint authority given by lhe Resident
Commissionets upon recommandation of the Town Planning
(a) 7712 Mele Rond, frein Lhe boundary of the new town limits
as far as its junction wilh thc Maanoa Rond;
(b) 771e Right of Way known tu the Malapoa Raad, for its
whol: length;