[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Joint Regulatimu [11 of 1938
sioners, the ms! cf suc]: treatment shnll be payable primarily by the
native concerned except in the case cf employed natives’ Whose
expenses shall be paid by their employers. The superintendents of
such hospitals or institutions shall make their own arrangements
for the recever cf sums due hereunder.
17. thwithstanding the provisions of the last preceding article
the Condominium shall pay the cost cf treatment given as aforesaid
tu indigeut natives from funds for which provision shnll be rua/de in
the Condominium Budget. Indigenee shall be proved by a certificate
given under lhe hnnd of a District Agent, which shall be attached t0
the claim for payment cf such cost.
18. The superintendents uf approved hospitals and institutions
shnll compile montth a list cf natives undergcing tleatment by them,
showing deuils nf fecs paid by natives and fees owing in respect cf
indigent natives; they simll transmit such lists through the Chief
Candomiru'um Medical Ofiœr tu the Condominium Treasuret, who
shall therenpcn apply to Lhe Resident Commissioners for authority
to pay the amounts oertified t0 be owing.
19. Rates cf fees for treaunent ol' natives iu approved hospitals
and institutions and for the cost cf dnlgs, medicines and dressings
supplied to natives therefrom ahall be fixed annually by Joint
Decision of the Resident Commissioners.
20. The New Hebrides Medical Organisation Regulntion'
“Joint Regulation No. 14 cf 1931” is hereby repealed, without
prejudioe to anything lnwfully dune thereunder.
21. This Regulation mny be cited for ail plu-poses as “'l'he
New Hebrides Public Health Services Regulaticn Na. ll of 1938”
and shall came into force on the day of the date hereof.
Dnted nt Vila this sixteenth day cf November, 1938.
The Resident Commissioner
fur the Frerwh Republic.
His Britannic Majesty’s
Residcut Commissioner.