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Joint Regulatiom [12 cf 1939
Morphine and their respective sales, and 311 preparations of
esters of Morphine.
(3) Thehnine and its snlts, nnd benzylmorphine and the
otber ethers of morphine and their respective salts.
(4) Dihydromorphinone (dilsudide), dihydrocodeinone
(dicodide), dihydrooxycodeinone (eucodsl), soetyldihydroco—
deinone, dihydromorphine, their esters and the salts cf any of
these substances and of their esters.
(5) Morphine-l‘oxyde (genomorphine) and the morphine—
N—oxyde derivatives and any other pentavalent nitrogen
morphine derivntives.
(6) Any prepmtion, ndmixture, extmct or other substances
conuining any proportion of any of the substances menn'oned
in paragraphe (3), (4) or (5) of this Article.
(7) Coca lesves.
(8) Cocaine (including synthctic cocaine) and ecgonine
and their respective nus, and the esters of ecgonine and their
respective sans, and any preparations of esters of ecgonine or
of their respective snlts and nny prepnrations of ecgonine con—
taining less than one—tenth per cent. of ecgonine.
(9) Methylmurphine (codeine) snd ethylrnorphine (dio-
nine) and their respective salts.
(10) Any solution or dilution of morphine or oocaine or
their salts in an inert substance whelher liquid or solid, con—
taining any proportion of morphine or cocaine, and any prepob
ation, admixture, extrnct or other substance (not being sucli a
solution or dilution as aforesaid) containing not less thsn ane-
fifth par cent. of morphine or nue-tout]: par cent. cf cocaïne or
of ecgonine.
(l l) Any preparation, admixture, extrut or other substance
containing any proportion of diaoetylmorphine.
(12) Such preparations containing more than 0.1 z ot'
cocsine as are mode direct from coca larves.
(l3) Indian Hemp, rcsin preplmed from il, prepnrafions of
which the resin forms the base, and galenical prepsrations
(extrsct and tincture) of Indian Hemp.
(14) Prepared Opium and nny pipes or other utcnsils used
in connexion witb the smoking of Opium or in connexion with
its preparation for smoking.
[(15) Methyldihydromorphione (commonly known as
Metopon), itx saltx and any prepmtion, admixture, extract or
other substance containing nny proportion of methyldihydro—
LR. 7 o!