[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Joint Regulations [12 of 1939
(40) Dipipanone (4z4-diphenyl-fi-piperidinæS-heptanone),
its salts and any pœparation, admixture, extract or other sub-
stance contaîning any proportion of dipipanone.
(4l) Normethadonc (4:4-diphenyl-6-dimethy1amine-3—hexa—
none), its sans and any pœparation, admixture, extrsct or nther
substance containing sny proportion of normethadone.
(42) Dioxsphety] Butyrstc (4-morpholino-2 :2-diphonyl
ethyl butyrate or ethyl-Z:2-diphonyl—4-morpholinobutyraœ), ita
salua and any p'repuatinn, admixiure, exh’act or other substance
oontsining any proportion cf dioxephetyl butyrate.
(43) Raœmoramide (d, l-B-methyl-Z:2-diphenyl-4—mor—
pholino—butyrylâpyrmlidjnc), ils salts and any preparation, ad-
mixture, extract or other substance containing any proportion of
moramide. m
> (44) Dextromorsmid: (d-3-methy1—2:2-diphenyl-4-morpho-
lino—butyryl—pyirolidino), its salts and any preparation, admixturo
m“ other substance containing any proportion of dextrorno-
_ (45) Momorarnide (1-3-mcfl1yl-2:Z-dipheny1—4—morpho—
lino—Butyryl-pyrrolidine), its salis and nny prepmtion, ad-
:mixture or othersubstanoe containing any proportion of levo-
" moramidc.
(46) Rmorphan (d, l-J-hydroxy-N-methyhnorphinsn).
its salts and any preparation, admixture, exmm or othcr
substance oontsining àny proportion of raœrnorphan.
_ (47) Levopranol (1 —3—hydroxy—N—methy1morpliinan), its
salts nnd any pmparation, admixture, extract or other substance
containing any proportion of levorphanol.
(.48), Phomorpliau (S—hydroxy;N—phenethylmorphinan),
its salts and any preparalion, admîxturc, en;th or other
substance containing any proportion of phmomorphnn.
(49) Raœmethorphan (d,_1-3-methoxy-N—mcthylmorphi-
man), its salis and nny preparation, admixture or uthm'
"substance containing any proportion oi‘ racemethorphsn.
(50) Levomethorphsn (l-3-methoxy—N—methylmorphinan),
ils salts and any prepsrntion, sdmixture, extrnct or other sub-
stance oontaining any proportion of levomethorphan.
(51) Dimcthylthiambutene (3-diethylamino-l:l—di—(2—thi-
snylyl-buwne), its salts and any proparation, admixture, extruzt
or othor substance oontaining sny proportion of dime'thyl—
(52) Dicthyithiambutene (3-diethylamino-ldndi-(2wflii-
enyD-l-buœnp), its salts and any preparation, sdmixture, entant
or othcr substance containing any proportion cf diethylthiam—
1R. J of