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Joint Regulatiam [17 of 1941
security have been taken, lb: Resident Commissioners may, by a
declaration made in writing, divest themselves of the security; and
theteupon lhe Order in consequenoe of which the security so becanJe
vested in the Resident Commissioners shall be deemed, for all
purposes, nm. t0 have been made or given wiLb respect t0 that
(8) For the pnrposes of this Article Lhe expression “security”
includes a deposit receipt in respect of Lhe deposit of securities.
2. Except with permission granted by or on behalf of fille
Resident Commissioners, no person 51ml], in the New Hebrides,
buy or borrow any foreign currency or any gold frer1 or lend or sell
any foreign currency or any gold to, any persan.
3. (1) Subject to any exemptions which my be granted by
0rder of the Residmt Commissioners, no persan shsll, exoept with
permission grnnted by or on belmlf oi' the Resident Commissioners,
mke or send ou! cf the New Hebrides any gold, securities or foreign
Provided flint nolhing in this paragrapll shall restrict the doing
of mything withio the scope of bis suthority by s persan nuthorised
by or on behalf of the Residt Commissioners w to do or by an
official of the Bridsh, French, or Condominium Administrations
matins in the course cf hi: duty.
(2) Any persan who on any occasion is about to leave the New
Hebrides (which person is hereafler in tliis Article referred to as
“the traveller") shall if requested s0 to do by a District Agent or
Police Oflîcer—
(a) declare whether or not he lus wlth him auy gold, securities
or foreign ourrency;
(b) produœ nny gold, seourîties or foreign currency which he
has with him,
and the laid ofiioer and any persan acting unde'r his directions may
semh me traveller, and examine or search any article which the
traveller has with him, l‘or the purpose of ascenxining wheflier he
bus with hirn any gold, securiries or foreign ourrency, and may seize
any gold, securities or foreign currency produced or found upon such
examinaüon or semh, unless eiLher—
(I) the said ofiîœr is sarisfiod [bat the traveller is, in respect of
all gold, securiües or foreign currency which he bas with
him on the said occasion, exempted from the restriction
imposer] by paragraph (l) cf this Article, or
(Il) the traveller produces t0 the said ofiioer a single wfifieate
granted by or on behnlf of Lhe Resident Commissioners,
showing with respecî to all gold, secuiities or foreign
currency whicli he has with ln'm on the said occasion, that
the takjng ont by him of the gold, securities or foreign
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