[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Joint Rzgulatians [8 cf 1943
taxes not container] in the annual pfimary lista as a result
of omission, filtration or frcsh registration. These suppla-
mcntary lisu shall be submitœd tu the Resident Commis—
sioners for approval wiîhin 8 days nfær the and cf each
3. The oflicinl aforcnmnlioncd shall be empowcred mythe:
with the oflicinls‘designated w chat end by (ha lzgislntion concerner]
la emblish infractions thereof. He should within 24 heurs report
to (h: compeœnt authority any infraction establist by him. His
wrimn reports shall be prima facie widence of the facts smted
fllm'ein befor: file comptent courts until proved othcrwise.
Repcrts as nfoœmmtîoned shall be transmitted t0 the nomment
court with un [eut posible dehy.
4. Pœvious legislation is amended as followu
(d) Jaint Regulalon No. 10 af 1939 (Radio Licences)—
Aru'cle 7—01: words “Condominium Pumasœr” Ire
replaned by “Controller of Rates and Tlxes".
5. This Regulnn'ou my be ciœd a: the New Habrides Collec-
tion of Rates and Taxes Joint Regnlalion No. 8 of 1943 and shall
00m: inw force on flic dny cf th: date hereof.
Daœd at Vila this 11m day or May, 194:4.
Ruident Commission" for British Resident Commissions:
Frnnoe in dm New Hebridcs. in il]: New Hebridcs.