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Joint Regulatiom [1 cf 1955
4. Should a consumer objeet to an aoconnt he may within
seven days ofreoeipt ofsuch acoount present bis objections in writins
to the Super-intendant of Works whose decision us to the amount
due shall be final. Failure to object within the prescribed period shall
be held to mnsn’tute an admission by the consumer of the oorreclness
of tlle account.
5. In the event of a consumer faiiing‘ ta pay an account within
the period speeified in Article 3 above, or, if lie shall have lodged an
objection t0 suc): sccount in accordance with the provisions cf
article 4, within on: month cf tire communication to him cf tire
decision cf the Superintendent cf Works, the Joint Administration
may at the cost and expense of the consumer disconneet the supply
pipes to the promises of the consumer and discontinu the supply of
water to him without prejudice to the riÿlts of the Joint Administra-
tion to recover from the consumer any sums due hy him in respect of
water supplied no him and in respect cf meîer rental and tlie cost and
expense cf such disconnection.
6. The Joint Administration slmll retain the ownenship cf, and
subject to the provisions or article 8 of this Regulation shall be
responsible for the maintenance cf, all supply pipes, valves and other
apparatus, ineluding the meter, supplied by it. Al] connections,
fittings and other apparatus used in carrying water from n mener to
the consumer shall be provided by the consumer at his cxpense.
Provided that any connection tc a meter shall be made oniy by the
Superintendent ofWorks or aperscn authorised by him to make sucll
7. Any persan who wilfully or frandulently or by culpable
negligence sufi'ers to be injured or altered any water line or fire
hydrant, valve, mater, fittings, apparatus or wcrks belonging to the
Joint Administration or alter: the index of any mater or prevents
any meter from duly registen'ng the quantity of waœr supplied [or
fraudulently abstracts or uses water supplicd by the Joint Admini-
stration] shall be guilty ofanofi'ence and shall on summary conviction
be liuble to s penalty not exceeding twenty pounds, or to imprison—
ment for a term not exoeeding one month and the Court in imposing
snch penalty may, in addition, order such ofi‘ender to susmin the
cost cf any damage sa caused and to pzy the Joint Administration
any charges which by virtue of the ofi‘enoe it may assess the Joint
Administration to have lost.
8. The Joint Administration shall not be liable to any persan
by reason of any partial or total failure of the supply cf water from
nny cause wlutsoever, and may at any time temporarily discontinue
the supply cf water whenever in the opinion of the Superintendent cf
Works [or the District Engineers at Sanw and Tanne respectively]
such discontinusnce is desirable for the purpose of ensuring the
eflicient operation of any works under the Administration’s control
or for the purpose cf conserving water resources.