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Joint Wallons [12 of 1957
such vessel tu be moured, unmoored, plaoed or remaved aocording
to the directions aforesaid, and (o employ a sufiicient nnmber of
persans and applisnces for dm pin-posa, and the expenses amnding
snch meeting. unmooring, planning or removing shall be paid by the
muter or owner of the vessel. Any persan who hinders or causes tu
be hindered flic harbour manier or any person employed by him in
meeting or unmooring, placing or removing snob vessel in the
manner aforesaid, shall be guilty of an ofi'enœ aginst this Joint
12. It shall be lawi‘ul for tlw barbu“: manier to issue such
orders as t0 the striking ol‘ musts, yards and booms, veering and
shorlening of sable and otller things which in bis direction lie may
doem lit for the secnring of any vessel or vassal in me barbour, and
may cause tu be received on boani a vessel and made fast or cast oll‘
any line, warp, chain or hawsor frorn any oiher vessel entering,
leaving or shifting position in the harbour. When any snch lino, warp,
ohnin or hawser is meived and mode fast un any vassal as herein-
before provided, no pmon shall lei. go, cut or unfasten the saine
unlcss authorised to do so by (ne hnrbnllr muter and any persan
who disregaxds the instructions issned by the harbour muter in
accordanoe with this Article shall be gnilty of an ofl'enœ nnder this
Joint Regulation.
13. The Residenl Commissioan acting jointly msy grant
oertificates of compeœnoy ta persans duly qualified and on payment
of an animal fee of one pound licence pilou for the pus-pose oftaldng
vessels within such watem cf the Group as may be specified in the
Provided tbnt no person shall be granœd a certificste ol‘ com—
petency or be licensed as a pilet unless he hss satisfied du: Resident
Commissioners lhnt lie is capable of performing snch dnties.
14. The muter of sny vessel spprosching any hnrbmu and
requiring the services oi' a pilot slml] malte sllch signals as are pre—
scribed by international regulsüons.
[l'he Resident Commissioners may by joint rnlcs define tire
limits within s port, as declsred under me provisions cf section 6,
within which pilotage shall be oomplllsory and may dofinc (lie
conditions relating to such compulsory pilotageJ
15. Thz master of any vessel sil/ail not, exoept under chaum-
stances of unavoidable neœssity, without the consent of du bai-bout
msster or pilot take any harbour mimer, port ofi'ioer, or pilot in sea
or beyond the lirnits of tho Group, and if the harbour muter, port
ofiioer, or pilet is so Iaken ihe muter shall be guilty cf an olîence
mimi: this regulation and the mster and owner shall be jointly
liable to the payment ol‘ salin-y, subsistance and passage money ot'
such hnrbonr mastet, port ofiicar, or pilot until their return t0 Lhe
murity of
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