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I987 is Vanuatu's last chance to halt its march towards Communism.
Eight years of Vanuaaku Party rule has turned into a failure :
The rate of inflation has been increasing stcadily since 1980.
growth and expansion is nil.
thc purchasing power has dropped drastically.
The facts speak for themselves.
The Vanuaaku Party has placed the nalion`s welfare in jeopardy
hecausc of its lack of experience and lack of competence.
Economically. we arc now well behind other South Pacific countries.
Thc whole country waits with growing impaticncc for its dccpcst
wishcs to bc takcn into account.
What nccds to be done is to :«
- Rclcasc privatc initiative. on thc cconomic sccnc. in thc
social cnvironmcnt_ at thc cultural lcvcl.
Submit a proposal for a stylc ofsocicty which would rcflcct
thc national identity and which thc nation as a wholc. rcgtirtllcss of
cthnic origins. could cmbracc.
- Stccr our ccnnomy along thc road to cxpansion and growth.
4 Straightcn out thc nation`s financcs.
- Safcguard hilingualism in a mon: appropriatc manncr.
- Ensurc compliance with thc Constitution and thc laws which
guarantcc thc rights ol all and any mcmhcrs of thc National
- Suhmit L1 proposal on land. for this is thc corncr stonc ofonr
Ovcr and ahovc thc llslahlishmcnt. our vcry own rights and frccdom
arc at stakc. Thcrcforc. it is csscntial to providc grcatcr constitu-
tional security in rcspcct of all rights and frccdoms. privatc and pub»
lic. lorcmost of which arc thc frccdom to work, to producc and to
cxchangc. to choosc schools. thc frcctlom ot' wor.ship_ privatc owncr«
ship. frccdom of thc prcss. frccdom ol communication. Moro than
cvci hcforci now is thc timc to appoint zi mcdiator as provided hy
Scction 5*) of thc (`onst|tution. this is a basic rcquircmcnt.
ln ordcr to achicvc thcsc ohjccts. thc Union of Modcratc Partics has
outlincd in its "Platform on how to fct Vzinu
lrack`_` a numhcr ofspccific mcasurcs to hc implcmcnlcd in rcspuct of
. l