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PLATE I . II. A B III. 1-4. IV. A. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. 1, 2. XXI. B F1?’ W?’ A. B. P“? P1?’ P1? S11?’ A. B. A. B. LIST OF PLATES PAGE Portrait of the Author . . Frontispiece View of South-West Bay . . . . . Young men and boys outside a house . Portraits of men, one with deformed head . , . . Plaited skirt, headdress, girdle, bark~belt, and penis wrapper. Mat-skirt area . . . . . . Fringe-skirts and at man's tasselled bag, from the Fringe-skirt area. . . . . . . . . . . Mat-skirt women, Lernbumbu . . . . . Three men, ? Lambumbu . . . . . . Gongs and the naai save of a. Seniang village . . . Gongs of e Lambumbu village showing line of rnonoliths . Deformed boars’ tusks . . . . . . . Brewer, bows, quiver and arrows . . . . . Five types of wooden clubs . . . . . . Group of men with weapons, S.W. Malekule (Martin Johnson) . . . . . . . . . Atree and Nagepate, Big Nembas men . . . . Big Nambas women (both photographs by Martin Johnson) Two small temes of tree-fern . . . . . . The conical sacred structure of a N alawzm grade . Ceremonial pig-killer, conch, and rattle anklet . . Tame: naainggul, conical musical instrument . . Temes and gong beside a. path . . . . Erection for N nzhmnm N aainggol . Three Nalawan masks . . I . Men clothed with spider-web . . . . Objects connected with the Nevinbur of Seniang: 4 iemes and bullroarer . . . . . . Hea,d~dress of woman of high Laqms rank, Seniang . . “ Mother " and " child " bullroarers, and pen-pipes, Lambumbu . . . . . . Village gongs . . . . . . . . Beating a gong . . . . . . . Offering food and prayers in a funeral rite . Two mmbammp in the Melbourne Museum . Rambammp in the Cambridge Museum . . The nzmbammp oi a. man of very high rank. Height, 1'677 m. (5 ft. 6 in.). In the Cambridge Museum, collected and given by A. B. Deacon. p. 285. 27.2174. On the head is a ï¬Ållet of Turkey-red calico and three spider-web caps with tails hanging down to the waist. The face and neck are red, a. broad slateqgrey ring surrounds each eye, this passes anterior-ly into a. vertical line which runs down on each side oi the ridge of the nose ; posteriorly the eye~ring is continued as e line to the insertion of the lobe of the ear. ix 8 . 8 10 12 12 12 12 24 24 196 214 214 Z16 266 266 280 280 392 392 398 398 420 428 464 484 484 498 498 528 544 544