[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine] 1 138 MALEKULA Aimbo Va’a1 of Lembrusmbar, he calls him either tmmgk (brother) or aavu, reckoning through Lisang of Loortambrï¬Åat, who married Aimbo Va’al, and who stands to Amanrantus in the relationship of father's father’_s sister's son’s daughter, and whom he addresses by the term awei (father’s sister's daughter). Here the mode of address is optional, since in either case the relationship is not F21 """ "Y AVA'AL = Limbel AIWUS AITIWLEO HXILE = Vilo’or (Loorlanggalat) (Loormbap) MANWIEN (Iumloor) (Looremew) } (lumlcor) Luus Marheo = AMANRANTUS (Looremew) TABLE D Illustrating the dual relationship in which Luus Marheo stands to AITIWLEO of Iumloor after her marriage with AMANRANTUS. A continuous line shows blood relationship; a broken line indicates “classiticatory" relationship. Why Alwus Mnuwuzn and An-rwteo should have been hala is not explained. very close (see Table E). It might be supposed that where the kinship traced through one line was closer than that reckoned through the other, the former would always be selected for social purposes, but it seems that even this cannot be laid down as a general rule. For instance, Ha’ile of Looremew and Ailimbie of Amel Mbon called each other hula (classiï¬Åcatory brothers), and for this reason Amanrantus said teta (father) to _._-_-_... ‘ 3 g‘ 5 =5’; Anum = sz (Loortam~ (Loorveli) briiat) F‘ Ammnuwran = Q HA'n.r-; = Vil0'or T 5‘ u +0-J (lurnloor) (Lembrusmbar) Lis_ang Amnuxmrus Anvmo VA AL = Lisang (Looremew) TABLE E Showing Amanrantus' dual relationship with Aimbo Va/al. Broken lines indicate " classiï¬Åcatory " kinship bonds. It will be observed that since Amanrantus called Aimbo Va.'al tuawgk it is probable that these two were ï¬Årst or second cousins ; had they been more distantly related they would have addressed each other as hula, ¢v ‘ / » r ii! ll Y1 )1} t