[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
p. 294, n. z.—In this alleged quotation some passages are omitted with- out indication, while others, not there, are inserted. What is left of the original is paraphrased throughout Native words have their essential hyphens omitted and are otherwise misspelt. The passage referred to runs as follows :— A bundle oi wild canes (nauwi) is planted. Pigs are paid for- The wild canes. A ï¬Ållet made out of a leaf called nzuai-lislis. This is ordinarily used for tying on the heacbcovering called nakambat (see p. 180). In this case the ï¬Ållet is worn round the head without head-covering. A sacriï¬Åcial pig is " circled " for and killed with a spear in honour of the wild canes. Ten days later (this really means any day, depending on the readiness of the pigs) an image of nator 1 wood is erected. It apparently has two faces on one body. The eyes are painted white, the middle of the body black, and there is also a good deal of red. The image is made by the brothers, fathers, etc., of the novice. The mother’s brother and mother's lather may also assist in the work, if they like, but are not more important than the others. It is planted in a spot called 1‘-law (holy place) close to the club~house, and is surrounded by the rope called nimbm-aw. Bamhoos called nambu Orelemes and shrubs called nu,-ai rew, and na-en‘-mbrues (eordyline terininalis) are planted on either side and behind the image. Pigs are paid for the image, the face of the image, the objects planted. The sacriï¬Åcial pig is " circled " for while those who are taking the degree are blackened from head to foot, and all carry ceremonial pig-killers. No man kills his own pig, but each kills that of one of the others. The pigs are then cut up and distributed among the guess, those who have killed not eating. It is apparently incumbent upon a man, if he possess a large pig, such as a crescenbtusker (see p. :90) to kill it. If he has not one of this grade, he must kill the largest he has.—_I. L. ‘ An early note says that this is of mbslsp wood. ,. - ' tew, IQ /U Tulm 1:e:°“,5lzr¢- 13" previous 1>i§:" |4 taboo " “ te iF°Y“ 5 r the "" and Oi F“) “omtion °