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,Ii_._4 _ 4. ? ll 5 =1 it i l ~I Kl m ‘I K ll r kl‘ ii Vi‘ P Ill ll ii ll i ll 1 l ll ll ll in in W * ill 410 ' MALEKULA shoots ï¬Årst at the semandur and then at the niselev, Others who have the privilege follow his example. Then a man, whom the candidate has paid to perform the oï¬Åice, goes up to the sesmandar and pulls the leaves out from it. This action seems to indicate resentment against the sasmamlur, but what the cause of this might be could not be ascertained. After this the ceremonies of acquiring the nambal feather, the dancing, and the slaying of the pig,‘ the assumption of the new title “Telmbwir Amel“, and the litamats follow on as in earlier Nalawan grades. If this is the ï¬Åfth Nalawan which the candidate has entered he goes through the oeremony of " stoning the pig". There is no record as to when this is dune, nor is there any account of it. When a man has performed it he is a full member oi the Nulawan, able to attend the society's rites in other villages and join in "stoning" the Nalau/an stnictures, mminggol and nisamp, at the entrance of other men to the grades of these names. I.elengv/a'al Nimbzuilei Tonggor There is no account of the rites of entrance into the grade Lzlengwfal, and from the fact that in one list it is bracketed with Amal Sesrnandur, it is possible that these two are to some extent alternatives. The grades following upon Lelangvzfal are those classed together as “ the Nalau/an of the Gongs". The ritual of the ï¬Årst three of these is probably the same, and that of Lalengvdal Nimbwilzi Tzmggov‘ may therefore be described in illustration of them. As will be seen the preparations are more elaborate than any which have been described hitherto, and some oi the rites themselves show new variations, but the general scheme of the proceedings is the same as that for Nalnwan Nisamgz. The candidate arranges in the usual way with someone who is already a member to act as his introducer. He then repairs with his friends to the bush to cut twelve logs, six of which are 1 A rough hm states that the Cdhch which is broken against the pig's fore- head is laid on 3101107 pm set up hm the BMW]. This would problbly be one of the posts of nitorlor WOOG in front oi the am! DB either side of the ra:mmniun— c. 11. W. - The meaning of Lzlengl/a'al is nut recorded; Nimbwilri Tonggnv means, translated literally, "gong pier-ty."_c. 1-r. w. 1 / < xi» r 2