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‘r TOTEMISM 6X5 districts mentioned above. It is reported that fertility rites exist similar to the nogharo of Lamhumhu, but called nilian, and that even in this part of the country prehistoric pottery is found which, again as in Lambumbu, is used in connection with the nilian mmbet, the fertility ceremony for bread-fruit. There is no mention, however, oi any special clan-magicians in this district. Among the Big Nambas nothing is recorded of any fertility rites, but it is clear that many oi the clan villages believe themselves to be descended from and have a respect for certain animals or plant species. Thus the ï¬Årst two men of Mawci‘ were brought forth by the pigeon mbilig, and this bird is to~day neither killed nor injured by members of this village. Again, a creeper vimil gave birth to ï¬Åve men and one woman. The latter was handed over to the people of Tevter village, and in exchange one of the sons of the vimil married a Tevter woman. From this couple are descended the people of Batarmul. By them the vimil is described as " all same mamma belong all ", and it is forbidden to cut this creeper in the vicinity of their village. Another plant, the nive, bore the men of Botvovwu. Whether all of this species are respected is not recorded, but the original plant is still to he seen in this village : the men's house has been built over it, and the skulls of the dead are put up in its branches. The men of Tenamet are likewise descended from a sow, uorip, but here again no deï¬Ånite ritual attitude towards sows in geneml is recorded; a tahu on men eating sows exists throughout the district, as it does in other parts of Malekula, in virtue oi the creatures’ sex.’ Quite apart from these clan-fertility rites for the increase oi food, however, there is another important ceremony akin to them which provides a further cultural bond between the districts of the south-west and the north. This is the very sacred ceremony of “ Making Man ". The name by which it 1 This village his DOW merged with Batu Malin.-—A. E. D. I NO DI“! who mas le Pow T!tteVlD'l hruhih OD the people oi South Raga (1922:) can mi {D be impressed by the simllaritiw between the totemic system bi these natives and that described by Deacon from South-West Malekula. Nb account 01 tctemism has yet been recorded il'Om Ambrym, lib!‘ from East lfld South-East Malel(ula,but in view of the rm that the names Di the graded society in South Raga are clearly akin to those hi East Mnlekula, and 01 the many other cubtural similarities between South Raga and Mfllékuia. (among which must be noted the similarit of the dialects) (see rmevih, 1925 and 1921;, it seems very probable um in rim Malekula (him nnt impossibly in Arnbrym 21190) the local patrilineal clans are totemic, as they MB ih the Sljfliill flfld went.-£4 H. w.