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~. ~ THE “MAKING OF MAN â€ù 649 occupied by certain women of the district during a part of the Nogho Tilabwe ceremonies. The most sacred place in the logho is the tabued area beside the aevet muogh. Even Telvusuaga might not approach it, and as Deacon neared the spot the former became very nervous and agitated, spoke in whispers, and restrained him from going any further. It is here that Mwelnggil Veo and Ravaai are said to be buried. At the spot under which the bodies are supposed to be lie three of the sacred pots (h h), each measuring from I8 inches to 2 feet in length, overgrown with creepers and green with moss. ' THE Rrrns or THE Nocr-10 TILABWE Unlike the clan nogho of Mewun. the Nogho Tilabwe appears never to have been an annual affair, but to have been held at irregular intervals. Whenever it did take place, however, it always began in the month of N ilugiem: and lasted until the end of the sixth month following after this, the month of Svelovime. the ï¬Åfth month, Nilzme N nu/i, being called “ the moon of the Great Nogho ".1 ’ There is no consecutive account of the ceremonies of the Nogho Tilabwe, but only disconnected notes on different rites, and it is not possible, therefore, to be certain as t0.the order in which they took place. There are, too, several apparently contradictory statements which makes a lucid exposition of the whole almost impossible. Nevertheless four aspects of the festival can be recognized. Primarily its aim is to “ make man â€ù, that is to ensure the fruitfulness of the human species, just as the clan mvgho ensure the fruitfulness of the different species of foodstuffs. It is also intended to invigorate and render healthy and strong the whole district of Mewun; to prevent sickness and famines. Some of the rites performed, as already mentioned, are to prepare and safeguard the passage of the souls of the nemugut nogho of Melpmes on their way to the land of the dead ; and lastly, like the Ncerew Ra/mlemp, the Nogho Tilabwe is a. general harvest festival. . When the N ogho T ilabwe is to be celebrated a house is built on the top of a hill (? behind the logho), and here the men of 1 For a list of the months oi Mewun, see p. 177. ' r——? ii I. 1 la 1‘. ll‘ ‘ll ,. ,l J 1 l: U ll r.