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fl 1; H If E ï¬Åe ii ‘V k ‘4 1 < NATIVE TEXTS 719 nimoos inden mm ; imp bimasasl/mg nilalai, at of nimoos (and) dived with it; he dived close to the clam, and itu n0rm19n nimvos lumbzmggzm ,' item's mial he put the kernel of nimoos in his mouth; he came up again, an imbarmbar noomln n17m0os. lviis binggen Ambat, and chewed continually the kernel of nimoos. He lied unto Arnbat, iu/er " Naan moh noonin nitalai etingk ! " En he said: “I have eaten the inside of the clam here!" And Awinggolnggoi {mien lis, en irar ino wui Awirara imr Awinggotnggot dived again, and did that which Awirara had done human ; ian lis noonin nimaos, iwer lis binggm before; he ate again the kernel oi nimoos, he said again to Ambat: “Naan nroh noonm nitalai ztingk! " En A1m'sant~ Ambat : " I have eaten the inside of the clam here ! " And Awisant- wuhlu imizn Zis, en irar ino wut Awinggotnggot imr lmman. wuhlu dived again, and did that which Awinggotnggot had done before. En A11/ikinmas 'i/mien lis; en ramien mah, iah a1 ï¬Åves, en Awiram And Awikintuas dived again ; and they all dived ? ? P, and Awirara iwer binggen Ambat: “A12/ow, gumien, guun noonin said unto Ambat: " Elder brother, dive, eat the inside of m'mla1',' gamen miom mah moh! â€ù Ambat iwer: “Nunggou! " an the clam: ? ? completely!â€ù Ambat said: “Alright!â€ù and inden, imp binggen niialai, itu nimbanggon lm dived, he went swiftly unto the clam, he put his mouth into nimbonggon talai. Nitalai ias mbnin Ambat. En nimwiwin the mouth of the clam. The clam snapped Ambat. And the spirit of Ambat ipwu nivimar ; iiovwis nggen Lindzmda Eiumoran. Lindzmda Ambat ? the dove; ? it flew to Lindanda at Iumoran. Lindanda iles; inrimnrim hm’ nivangasien t Ambat 1'1/121 saw (it); she remembered the command which Amhat said binggm, en iwer: "Anibal imes mob, ¢1' et nil/imar unto (her), and she said: “Amhat is dead, he is the dove iwufer in.â€ù En Limiamla {long iuwew naaran nambwa, ihu ? ?." And Lindanda went P the root oi the banyan tree, she put nimbatin balm nelel en itop, en netel iliinggor her head into the cord and she jumped, and the cord ? nimielm, en imzs. En Awiram ar using mial ? , and she died. And Awirara and the others came back bis bane. Awimra iwer : “ Ninggolrmg ninggeveen again to land. Awirara said: “ I am going, I am going to have Linda-min." nrivi mah nawangk, relrmg bweleng eium. Lindanda.â€ù They pulled up the canoe, they went to the house. A wiram flung, iwer geles Lindanda ,' ilung Awirara went, he said he was going to see Lindanda; he went bilium ,' ingginggeleu in lium, islzsve. into the house; he looked into the house, he did not see (her). I t L“ E v >