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734 MALEKULA lili ,‘ iweri “ Ambi tzmah nisul. m'116rï¬Ås in and again; he said. “ P He planted the ghost (of) the path. I will vï¬Åkh.â€ù clear (it) (so that) it is good." 4. TEXTS IN THE DIALECI‘ OP LAGALAG THE ORIGIN o1= DEATH Hamlmt ilï¬Ång muhhut im, hhamzm mwnturu, hhaman numin. Hambllt put down two men, the one a woman, the other a man. var hhï¬Ån ram : “ gï¬Åravar, ' imis mis m6u1,' He said unto them two: " You two say ‘Die, die, live, gï¬Årsauarsi ' {mix mis nsar ’." ralingk do not you two say ‘Die, die, for good '." They two remained. tum var: “imis mis mï¬Åur.â€ù tum var.’ “imis mis nsar.â€ù One he said, “ Die, die, live." The other he said, " Die, die, for good." H amlmt vale, mu : “ tat mawzrsi gï¬Ånwar Hambut came, he said: "I did not say you two were to say mbusat ,' hiiravar let is, mbas te mzvar thus; you two said that which is bad, although I said gc'iravar.' '1'mis mi: mï¬Åur.’ â€ù mbavarsi (arm) you two were to say ‘Die, die, 1ive'." If they two mbiirauar: “im/is ' mis m<‘iur," mbas tzthnis, should have said: “Die, die, live," although we died, tetmï¬Åur his, site arm mfar: "imis mis nsar,â€ù we would live again, but they two said: " Die, die, for good," tetimis tetimis nsar. we shall die we shall die for good. THE STORY or AN ATTEMPT 1-0 Cum; up TO THE SKY Nimugh Glmghur air ainggolo, atlis nirml-gh, The men of Ghughur (they) they looked, they saw a mountain, mus nirin file tsï¬Åghén lile. A11/ar .' " Us mus nirin the clouds came up to it close. They said: "? the clouds lsimbir m'mugh.â€ù Air tambagh atipfl atrhï¬Ål bï¬Ånal touch the mountain." They all, they went, they dug a pit atmbï¬Ål m'm'm', atmgh vim, N onggo ath'¢ they cut a palm-tree, they planted ï¬Årst. Then they took nimbu ,' atmlnlngk twmbwï¬Åntsumbwbnden ; bamboos; they bound (them), joined (them) together: atisigh ghï¬Ån. T um atipf mghz, men atitï¬År ragh¢mtin,' they climbed up them. Some went on top ; some stood on the ground ; atlivlip m'mbu ,' atipf mghe. Ncim ius ; they kept on giving bamboos ; they went on top. The rain it rained ; =