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'1 t 740 MALEKULA ' (1m)a2nls foghor_ (L.) 2 th1¢;.ispegal_na_me which every new member of Nimangki e receives on s a mission. (n.i)a_ng 3 grgss from whosg ripe seeds a. yellow paint is made, [or use in o y ecora ions an painting Nimangki temes. tmgus (Lg.): corresponds to the Seniang (1‘)gah. (nuymgg walctgzf. new/angk)t: a large plank-built sea-going canoe formerly use on e east was . (ni)ar: variety of tree of which the wood is used for spear shafts. (m)ar (L.) : a fence_; e.g.that built round the house of an important man. (na)ar_ (Lg): 1 variety hgf woos of which are made posts for fastening pigs w en pure sing t e less important "sacred things " of the Nimcvigki. emu : a gong—rhythm beaten during certain rites of Nalau/an Vinbamp. (na)amm'm: the )SpBCi3.l dance oi the Nevinbur society. mi arew: see ms £78117. ('na)a1i mbal merzwt a variety of oordyline. (na)mia£zbangk : (i) a variety of cordyline ; (2) the name of a Nimangki gr e. (na)ar1' 77'1b11l_t1S (also spelt Mari mbuas and ‘nae/vi mbmes): mwdylinz termmalis. (mz)a/n_ mf_m_al: a red-leaved_cordyline much used for decoration. (na)arf ma-/ah (L.)_: a cordyline sacred to the society of this name. (na)an numbou tzmbajap (also spelt naari naumbau timbarap): (1) e variety of cordyline with green and red leaves; (2) the name of a Nalawan grade with which this cordyline is specially associated. (mz)an lamat: “ the cordyline of peace." It has tapering leaves 01 deep green _h§§, strezflred wptli plum colour. During war it may be set up 0 in ica e a. esire or peace or a truce. It is also used to decorate the temzs during the entrance rites to Nimangki Mbalm. (nayimgh (L.) : a pig of _we1l-developed tusk-curvature. (na)uu [L.')_ : (1) a. generic word‘ for creepers; (2) a kind of waist-band, pg wlhlich thzre are many diflerent designs, used in connection with e mmng 1. (na)au siis‘(L.] : a head-band of plaited pandanus with which candidates tOM1l/tiftflflikié Tie! are invested. May possibly correspond to the ne sus o eniang. (na)auilel (L.): a belt purchased at entrance to a. Nimangki ; may correspond to the mlel mulmmm of Seniang. n1/c’aj> : ‘penis-Sheath. ('VlE)flIIl)l1/187! (L.)' : the incision ceremonies of South Lambumbu. (mz)ain: apvariety of tree having red, edible berries; the totem of Leyirptlzwilavi village; the “forbidden iruit " in one of the Amba! in s. (mz)uwus mbnlu: variety of tree “ belonging to " the Lapas society; the club used to liillpigs during the ceremonies of this society is made from it. In periods of taiuiiie the fruit of this tree is eaten; the ceremony to ensure their being fruitful is performed by the clan magician of Uraau village. . (na)c1:au.s1:ie€'nbelZng (L.) : the dance performed when a girl's teeth are noc e cu . bagho (B.N.) : the circumcision rites. bamng (Lg.) : members of the Nelan. ban (B.N.): circumcision candidates (also called mug!» tel). _ I (n]|iames lahonsu (Lai-.) : the bull-roarer ; used in the incision rites ; said to slit the ears oi the candidates. alulml (B.Il.) : (I) the “ husband " in a homosexual relationship; (2) the guardian of a boy during circumcision. ‘ 1’: -i .1
5. Ll 9'! :1 ‘ ,. fr ,v . E I , l Y J i.
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