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754 MALEKULA places of Looru and Uraau villages and is used in the fertility rites of these. It is also used in certain forms of death- and sickness-ernagic. (ne)vet -nambm = “ the stone that is blind " ; a stone set up in place oi a wooden temes at entrance to certain high Nimamgki grades. (ne)vet muagh (M.) : the name of the stone-table in the sacred place of Melpmes. (1l)1/ems = (I) to carry ; = (2) used of the payment of pigs made to the brother of a dead man by the young widow's father to enable her to return to her own village. (m')uiam (L.): wild cane. (ne)vilala : a bird resembling a martin ; the totem oi Looremew. (i)vilval (L.) : to observe tabus concerning sex, food, drink, etc. preparatory to performing ceremonies or working magic. (m')11imm' : a variety of dove ; it is the totem of Iumoran, is connected in mythology with the eldest Ambut, and is used for swearing oaths on. (i)vinanb1.mg (L.) : to pay a pig to the maternal uncle to ensure that at death the spirit of his sister's son or sister’s daughter shall return to the maternal village. (n'i)vinb::ml = the owl; the totem of Iumhalilong. (ne)1/iwbumlmau : (1) the name of an ogress connected with the Ambat; (2) the mother-in-law of Mansip of the Nevinlrm; (3) the bull- ’ roarer ; (4) a mask belonging to the Nalawan grade /Him Bwitizm; (5) an alternative name for this grade; (6) the totem of Nemep village. (ne)vin or ndeling = " the woman ear-slitter â€ù ; the bull-roarer. (ne)vi'n.msin: the sow. (ni)vinu: a variety oi tree; a leaf of this is wrapped round the penis after incision. - (m')1/imt: a funeral bier of special design used only for men who were members of Nalawan Niuirat. (n0)voliet: the stripped mid-ribs of the leaves of the thatching palm. (m‘)uojwawien or (m')1/01/aim or (m')11opwm'm: the ceremony of knocking out a girl's incisor teeth. (na)1)('1'1'au<'iw'a'n (L.) : the feast given by a. man to repay those who have helped him to cultivate a special garden in preparation for a Nimangki feast. (m)vul = (I) the moon ; = (2) a lunar month. (n2)mlil: lawyer cane. (na)v1}il (L.) : see Seniang nevul. mmgvunggah : to present a. pig as done by the seller to the buyer of Nimangki honours; (cf. Seniang iomp.) ('na)zmwu1 ndalzmg (L.) : the bull-roarer. s‘nen : the " mother â€ù or large one ; natn : the “ child " or small one. (ne]v1Zt1;m naai : (I) a ceremony in the preparation for the rites of Nimbwilei Tzmggor ; (2) the stick used for beating the gangs for this Nalawan grade. (ne)v11;t11Ln nevet (or nevumn never!) : “ the child's stone " ; a small stone used in the rites of Nalawzm and Nimemgki grades when investing the candidate with a new bracelet and armlet. wananmgk: rattles made from the dried fruit of the jnangium edule, worn by dancers round their legs or ankles. (na)wan mwilmwil or mswan mrzlis : a. professional diviner or clairvoyant. (na)u/amgk: the canoe. (m'1)wei nambï¬Åg (L.) : Hie incision ceremonies of N. Lambumbu. (na)we'n bwiigh (Lain) : the incision rites. (nujwes : a variety of tuber, not identiï¬Åed, called in pigin " strong yam â€ù. ' ‘ l (1