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758 ' MALEKULA Dovclmï¬Å, MGR. V. Notes Ethnologiquas sur les Populations Indigénes des Naul/ellss~Hélm'des. Paris, I924. ~ . EDGE-PARTTNGTON, JAMES, and HEAYE, C. AnAlbum of the weapons, tools, ornaments, articles of dress, ete., of the Natives of the Paciï¬Åc Islands. Series 1. 1890. Plates: 135, No. 9; I36, No. 3; 138, No. 5; 139.1%-9: I43. N414: I44. N0- 1: 146. Nos. I. 3. 4. 10. 11.13; 149. Nos. z, 3. Series 11. 1895. Plates: 71 ; 73, No. 7; 74, No.2; 75, Nos. 7, I2, I3 ; 77, Nos. 4, 5 ; 79, No.5; 8o,No. 4; 81, No. 6; 83, No. 10. Series In. 1898. Plates : 55; .60, No. 2 ; 63, No. 4; 64, Nos. 3, 9. ELKINGTON, E. W., and HARDY, N. H. The Savage South Seas. London, 1907. Chapters xiv~xvi.i passim ; plates 46, 52, 56, ï¬Ån, 68. ETHERIDGE, R. Rear/ds of the Australian Museum. Vol. iv, No. 4. Sydney, Igor. pp. 167-8, pls. xxiv-xxv; No. 7, 1902, p. 306, pl. xlix. ‘ »-- Records of the Australian Museum. Vol. xi; No. 8. Sydney, 19x7. pp. I97-9. Plates: xxxiv, ï¬Ågs. 2-4; xxxv, ï¬Ågs. 2, 3; xxxvi, ï¬Åg. 3; xxxvii, ï¬Ågs. 2, 3. FIRTH, RAYMOND. "A Raga Tale": Man. Vol. xxx, No. 46. 1930. pp. 58-60. FLOR, FRIEDRICH. " Die Knlturhistorische Stellung der Klei.nst§.mme auf den Neuen Hebriden â€ù: Anthropos. Bd. xxii. Vienna, 1927. PP- 992-7~ FLOWER, W. H. " On a collection oi monumental heads and artiï¬Åcially deformed erania. from the Island o£MaI1ie011o in the New Hebrides â€ù : jaw. Anthrop. Inst. Vol. xi. London, 1882. pp. 75-Sr, pl. vi. —— " Exhibition of an Arti.ï¬Åcially~deiormed Skull from Mallicollo ": jour. Anihrop. Inst. Vol. xix. London, I890. pp. 52, 53. Fonsnsk, G. A Voyage Round the World in His Britannia Majesly's Sloop " Resolution ". Vol. ii. London, I777. Book iii, chapter i. FRANCOIS, P. “ Sur la deformation artiï¬Åcielle du crane chez les Néo- I-lébridais": Miseellanées biologiques dediées an Pvofasseur Alfred Gidvd. Paris, 1899. (Review in l‘Anlhropologis, xi, 1900. p. 323.) Faonbnwrfls, LEO. " Ozeauische Masken â€ù: Intemationales Archiu filr Ethnogiaphie. Leyden, 1897-8. Bd. x : pp. 69—7o, Taiel vi ; pp. 206-209, Talel xvii. Bd. xi: pp. 82—5, Taiel. iii-iv; pp. 130-2, Tafel ix; pp. 162- 4, Tafel. x—xii. GILLAN, ]. “ Burial Customs oi the Malekulans": Science of Man. Vol. vi. Sydney, juue, 1903. p.73. Goonenowcn. J. G. journal of Commodove Goadenough, edited, with a Memoir, by his Widow. London, 1876.Mpp. 326-333. HADDON, A. C. "Geometrical Figures from alekula and Arnbrym, New Hebrides " 2 Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Scienos. London, 1927. pp. 364-5. HAGEN, A., and PINEAU, A. " Les Nouvelles Hebrides, Etudes Ethno- graphiques ": Revue d'Ethnograj>hie. Tome vii. Paris, 1889. pp. 302—362 passim. (Fig. 60. Two mmbammp.) HAMLYN-HARRIS, R. â€ùMalekula Effigy, as illustrated by a Specimen in the Queensland Museum Collections " : Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. Vol. iii. ]an., 1915. pp. r4—I5, pls. vii and viii. HAMY, E.-T. “ La. taille des insulairee des Nouvelles-Hebrides â€ù : Bulletins do la Soviété d’/lnthropologio de Paris. II° Série, Tome xi. Paris, I876. pp. 168470. HARDY, N. H., and Eucmcrou, E. W. The Savage South Seas. London, 1907. pp. 145, 150, 154 ff. ; coloured plate ofa rambdramji, p. i56. 6 r s 1 _L