Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, VanuatuDeacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People i...86874<< >>
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Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides / Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides / Bernard A. Deacon / Vanuatu, Nouvelles-Hébrides, Malekula, South-West Bay
[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]

Husband and wile, behaviour cowoms
mo oi.11s1-,s1~1, _ mode oi addressing
one another in Liimbumbu, 105
Husband, oosoi-iion oi, {GI impotence,
152, 15a; doiiss towards wife
declarcd to, 1111 wedding, 153;
jealous typï¬Å oi, description of. 150,
151 ; personal name noi usod by.
in addrmsilzig wile, as ; polygynaus,
duties uid dimouiiios oi, 166; types 3
of, ss diï¬Åthlguishsd by natives, 1e1.
Husbands, bE1mvi0u1' oi 111111111; wives’
ggegnancias 111 Seniang and Mowun,
4 .
Hut described io11 pteparaï¬Åfln oi
Lopos hea.d—dres51 483, 454
Ignh, 2e, 29; opposed 1.0 111.1, 2s ;
rclaflng to Women, zs; ten-n
associated with women's secret
society, us; and 11111, meaning oi
and relation between, 2a. 47s
Izunbi (Region oi Souls oi the Dead,
L:1n1bm1bu), 519, sac; entrance io,
5120 ; underground world oi 11111 dead,
lkurn (Behaviour between reln,ti/:45 by
marriage), B7
11111, 211, 29; opposeri to ignll, 23;
incaning “sacredâ€ù 111 soniung
dialect (luutniim), 14; 11111111111; i11
men, 23
Images, set ug at oniioooo to Nimnngki
11111111 ison 111111), 550
Imbizmba i1iiu111 payment oi pig), as
1111111111111, meaning oi, 24s, 244
Impotence, deseition oi husband io1,
152, 15.1; mnln, question oi 11111111-
mirnt of 1111<1s~,111oo in dissolution
oi marriago I01, 15:1
Incision and o11'cln1cision found in
pauiliueal area, 705; ceremony oi
111 5 boy, B2,—rilu oi, varied
uo¢o1-11111; 1o oluoo, 244; oi boys,
opcmtion (lesc1'ibed,24B, 25l, 257,» -
reason for, 245,——11e:lnsi0n alter,
249; operation of during initiation
oi young boys, 2411; rites, con-
uluilmg ceremony, 255, 258,-—
1;I'iDlS wreinony during scclnsion
of novices, ‘155,— seclusion of tcn
days io1 novices before 0]J:1'ah1m,
250, Z56,»-twenty days for novices
alter operatioil, 253, Z56,— thrashing
of novices, Q50, 251, 252, 255
Iucisoi iooui, knocking out, as pre-
liminaty ior girl's mmiage, 145;
in 11 girl, s2; upper, k1-1ocking<1>ut,
in girls at Pflbcfly, 13; 1â€ù aka
Infancy, siages in gfflwth in, Small
rites observed, 239-241
Iniant, payment io1 o ening eyes cf,
240; (footnote) 218 ; uibus for
protection uf, 249
Infanticide, prevalence oi, reasons ion,
252, 255
Infants, neW>b0rn, burial oi alive in
Seniang and North-West Provinces,
23:1; naming cercrnvuy in Se-niimg,
zsa ; inous relating to in iviowun,
Influenza, cause oi depo&nla.l:ion in
Ma.lekula1,l9; epidernw, 1511 death-
rate from, xvii; 1â€ù 111111 Spanish
lnsciuinonu, sound-producing, use oi
during seclusion oi incised boys, 259
lntcrinarliage 1111111111111 between villags
oi1un1o1s11 and Di1xc1r,54 ; between
villages oi 11 111113111 oisn prohibited, 55
Iar Mal1's,cha1rm used (0 hansier mis~
fortune, (115
Islands lying east oi Malckula, a
lsmiggor naamal, decoration oi 1111151,
[tn-Sninbon, 525, 525, ezs, 1129
lumluor, village oi, 11111o11ii1sues
claiming descent from female 1111
Iumoian, ferkility-rite ooioiiniisi-1 at.
840; 1.1111 Dix-1nu'1',vZU21gos oi. inter-
niomogo oiiowoa 1>o1w1>o11,54; and
Mclpmes, 11111-1 1111111111, sse
Jcaloimyin husbands, 150, 151
1011141, 411; 111111 /imboi regarded 51
iduntical 111 Mewun, 621;; and Qat,
identity oi, 1122 ; 11111111111-11, noinos oi.
e25, e29; Butwanubaghap, legend
relating io, 619,--washing oi body
oi, mo. oi, 1152, esa; 1111111111 called,
559; 111yi11io111 dircct dosirendanfs
oi, sen; oi Mewun and Ambat
oi Soniang, most signiï¬Åcant 1in11s
between, ass, ass ; oi Mewun,
ide11ti§¥ oi Amba-I oi Seniimg with,
ezs; okhv.uc.1,6216
K511111.=1n cult, >111; Soninty oi Cemm
and New Guinea, initiation cults,
Kavmdrinking among Big 1~1111-1111111. 14 ;
aL Nimrm 11¢ oi Big Nimbus, 512 ;
iiuniion of 111 skulbhmlse, 584
Kindred, anomalous groupilï¬Ås oi ex-
lajned, 1s, 11; terms 1n Bluu. and
gen Marou, 11s, 119; terms, dis-
crepannies between those oi Malua
and Tern Maxou compared, 120, 121
Kinafolk, mnajn, 11111 to 11¢ 511111-ossoo
by oo1so11o1 name, 14
Kinship bond, cancellimon oi pio-
ceding marriage between cl11.ssiï¬Åca<
tory relatives, 137; bonds, oblibeIa-
tion oi, io1 pnqwsas oi marriage, so;
o 11 11
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Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, Vanuatu [Collection(s) 38]
Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides [Set(s) 833]
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Deacon 1934 - Cayrol v.1 1992 [Set(s) 1662]
Deacon 1934 - Cayrol v.2 1992 [Set(s) 1663]
Deacon 1934 - Cayrol v.3 1992 [Set(s) 1664]
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Object(s) ID 86874
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Title/DescriptionDeacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides
Author(s)Bernard A. Deacon
LocationVanuatu, Nouvelles-Hébrides, Malekula, South-West Bay
Coordinateslat -17.72 / long 168.36
Copyright Copying allowed for personal non-commercial use. Please quote ODSAS.
Rank 876 / 901
Filesize 434 Kb | 981 x 1446 | 8 bits | image/jpeg
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Quote this document Deacon, Arthur Bernard 1934 [accessed: 2024/12/22]. "Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides" (Object Id: 86874). In Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides. ODSAS:
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