[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
,l fl 1 ll ll ll ‘1 INDEX 789 secret sooiety oi, rnens attitude towards, 487; sow's flesh eaten only by, 17; "stealing of". 149, 150; sue also Adultery; suicide common among, 518; term igah relating to, 23; unmarried, in Lambumbu. land allowed to be owned by, 180 World, origin of, beliefs regarding, _46 Worvulu, Nimangki grades oi, with names of grades and titles of members, 374; identical with those oi Seniang, 374, 375 Wounds, treatment Of, 692. $93 Wm maul (sacred place), en ; sacred place oi clan of dead man, 578, 579 ; of Lembelag, description oi, 656 Yarn ceremony at Nenew Nikakal, 602, 603, — sacred stone used at, 603; fertility ceremony, s37; sze also Nogham Niminm Yarn gardens 1°; novices during incision rites, 250. — observation oi tabus towards, 189; houses ï¬Ålled with tubers representing wealth, 199 ; houses for storing mp, 181; nvgko of Venebubu, 609; towers at Nimlmgki held at Vevenah, 362, 366, 367 ; varieties of, forbidden as food to sorcerers, 176 ; varieties of, recognized in Seniang, I76; vines, training oi, 187 Yams, basic ioodstnï¬Åf of Malekulans, 16, 193 ; ceremonial eXcl'Aange of, in memory oi dead at feast of Nenaw Rahulemp, 642, 648; cultivation oi, division of labour and care required in, transcript showing (text and translation). 182 ; cultivation, stages in cycle of, described by names of months of the year in Seniang, 174, 175, 1-B0; distribution at Nimlmgki, 355, 366, 367; growth oi, spells to encourage, I88 ; harvesting oi, date, 181 ; magic to ensure growth oi, two ways oi, 668; memorial presentation at Neemw Rahulemp, 589 ; planting, 184, 185, 186; planting and harvest- ing oi, times of, by whom decided, 115; planting of, method, diagram sbowin , 186i platform from which hung, iï¬Åustrated. 509 ; presentation of, at wedding, 158. 163 Youths, Melekulan, bold and indecent conduct of, 17 Pwinlzii in Great Britain. by Stephen Austin <5 Sims, Lld., Her!/ani