Rank (id) | Author(s) |
Year/Period |
Title |
Identification |
Location |
Language(s) |
281726 |
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English (eng) |
281727 |
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English (eng) |
278767 |
| | Alec Morgan, director of the film Colonists for a Day |
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English (eng) |
278768 |
Chris Owen | | Lauhi Geita, sound recordist at the IPNGS.
Here, for Colonists for a Day (dir. Alec Morgan). In the background, Kewa Pulgar, one of the interviewees in the film. |
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English (eng) |
278769 |
Chris Owen | | Lauhi Geita, sound recordist at the IPNGS.
Here, for Colonists for a Day (dir. Alec Morgan). |
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English (eng) |
278770 |
| | Chris Owen and Lahui Geita, while filming Colonists for a Day. |
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English (eng) |