Editing_Neg_Lukautim Bus?_In Australia

Collection(s) Owen, Chris WORK (id: collection 77)
ID ODSAS set 2796
Author(s) Owen, Chris
Owner Pascale Bonnemère
URI /set/2796
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 11 Object(s)
Abstract Digitised photo negatives of editing Lukautim Bus(?) in Australia ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork

Table of Contents
Rank (id)Author(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
278908 English (eng)
278909 English (eng)
278910 English (eng)
278911 English (eng)
278912 English (eng)
278913 English (eng)
278914 English (eng)
278915 English (eng)
278916 English (eng)
278917 English (eng)
278918 English (eng)