Family_Neg_Grand-daughter Ayesha

Collection(s) Owen, Chris PERSONAL (id: collection 79)
ID ODSAS set 2969
Author(s) Owen, Chris
Owner Pascale Bonnemère
URI /set/2969
Publisher ODSAS
Access restricted
Number 30 Object(s)
Abstract Digitised photo negatives of Chris Owen's grand-daughter Ayesha ...
Object typology Photographs/Pictures / Artwork

Table of Contents
Rank (id)Author(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
281376 English (eng)
281377 English (eng)
281378 English (eng)
281379 English (eng)
281380 English (eng)
281381 English (eng)
281382 English (eng)
281383 English (eng)
281384 English (eng)
281385 English (eng)
281386 English (eng)
281387 English (eng)
281388 English (eng)
281389 English (eng)
281390 English (eng)
281391 English (eng)
281392 English (eng)
281393 English (eng)
281394 English (eng)
281395 English (eng)
281396 English (eng)
281397 English (eng)
281398 English (eng)
281399 English (eng)
281400 Chris Owen with his grand-daughter Ayesha in Port Moresby just before the moving to Goroka. The IPNGS flat has already been emptied. Port Moresby English (eng)
281401 Chris Owen with his grand-daughter Ayesha in Port Moresby just before the moving to Goroka. The IPNGS flat has already been emptied. Port Moresby English (eng)
281402 Ayesha Owen with her mother. Port Moresby English (eng)
281403 Ayesha Owen with he rmother Port Moresby English (eng)
281404 Chris Owen with his grand-daughter Ayesha during a picnic. around Port Moresby English (eng)
281405 Chris Owen with his grand-daughter Ayesha during a picnic. around Port Moresby English (eng)