Rank (id) | Author(s) |
Year/Period |
Title |
Identification |
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Language(s) |
327288 |
| | Andjimwac, daughter of Pisangwe. Beads are made from a plant which the Baruya plant in mossy patches of stone (it will die if planted in soil). They transplant it from primary Forest to nearby places. lt is not easy to find. Kouanna. It is also used as nose ornament. When she grew up she married a man in Yani. |
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English (eng) |
327289 |
| | Iravondaiye’s foster daughter. The bigger girl is Kamleuvinieuc, daughter of Parakeuc. |
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English (eng) |
327290 |
| | Avanganamwac and Iravondaiye’s foster daughter. |
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English (eng) |
327291 |
| | The frame of the house - MJ and MG looking at it. Very near the house is growing a young limbum tree whose wood is used to make bows and arrows. It is nowtwice as tall and bears fruit, and it will soon be time to cut. It would produce enough wood to make at least 24 bows. |
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English (eng) |
327292 |
| | Rolls of tobacco to be smoked in bamboo pipes. The tobacco itself is wrapped in a forest leaf called shetndeu.
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English (eng) |
327293 |
| | Rolls of tobacco to be smoked in bamboo pipes. The tobacco itself is wrapped in a forest leaf called shetndeu.
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English (eng) |
327294 |
| | MG helps the men who are beginning the house. Akriwai had arrived in the meantime and said that the frame wasn't very good, not perfectly round. So it was redone. On the ground are all the bits of vine that had been undone to take off the top circular binding. Now this binding is being put back again.
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English (eng) |
327295 |
| | MG helps the men who are beginning the house. Akriwai had arrived in the meantime and said that the frame wasn't very good, not perfectly round. So it was redone. On the ground are all the bits of vine that had been undone to take off the top circular binding. Now this binding is being put back again.
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English (eng) |
327296 |
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English (eng) |
327297 |
| | MJ shows people at Yuvaronde's house site how to look through the Arriflex. (Koum points out that his watch says 11:10 a.m.). |
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English (eng) |
327298 |
| | MJ shows people at Yuvaronde's house site how to look through the Arriflex. (Koum points out that his watch says 11:10 a.m.). |
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English (eng) |
327299 |
| | MJ shows people at Yuvaronde's house site how to look through the Arriflex. (Koum points out that his watch says 11:10 a.m.). |
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English (eng) |
327300 |
| | MJ shows people at Yuvaronde's house site how to look through the Arriflex. (Koum points out that his watch says 11:10 a.m.). |
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English (eng) |
327301 |
| | MJ shows people at Yuvaronde's house site how to look through the Arriflex. (Koum points out that his watch says 11:10 a.m.). |
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English (eng) |
327302 |
| | MG and Yuvaronde’s son,Meyambiada. Dovairuwe sits in background. |
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English (eng) |
327303 |
| | MG and Yuvaronde’s son,Meyambiada. Dovairuwe sits in background. |
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English (eng) |
327304 |
| | MJ setting up to film house. Saiyé, the little boy, watches. Yuvaronde looks over his shoulder. Pandawe stands in foreground. |
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English (eng) |
327305 |
| | Yambagwe ties a vine to fasten wall to frame inside house. Biandaye is working from the inside. |
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English (eng) |
327306 |
| | Meyawinumwe is holding the carved wooden piece they are going to try to use for the center of the roof. Yambagwe continues binding circular piece made of saplings. |
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English (eng) |
327307 |
| | Meyawinumwe is holding the carved wooden piece they are going to try to use for the center of the roof. Yambagwe continues binding circular piece made of saplings. |
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English (eng) |
327308 |
| | Dapwe (big name is Mokonié) holding Yuvaronde’s baby, Wayakapo. Dapwe is Nilaundje's son. |
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English (eng) |
327309 |
| | Yuvaronde’s daughter is playing with the baby and eventually holds it. This is the young woman who has left her husband and has come home and is living with Ourou. |
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English (eng) |
327310 |
| | Yuvaronde’s daughter is playing with the baby and eventually holds it. This is the young woman who has left her husband and has come home and is living with Ourou. |
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English (eng) |
327311 |
| | Gwadamaiwe is cutting off the center pole. |
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English (eng) |
327312 |
| | Gwadamaiwe is cutting off the center pole. |
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English (eng) |
327313 |
| | View from MG's window over lower village terrace of Wiaveu. Yuvaronde’s house is almost hidden behind the tree on the right. Meyarimbie’s house is in the middle near the pandanus tree. Some of the leaves of the pandanus have been cut to use for roof covering.
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English (eng) |
327314 |
| | View from MG's window over lower village terrace of Wiaveu. |
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English (eng) |
327315 |
| | View from MG's window over lower village terrace of Wiaveu. |
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English (eng) |
327316 |
| | View from MG's window over lower village terrace of Wiaveu. Yambagwe‘s house is to left of center. |
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English (eng) |
327317 |
| | View from MG's window over lower village terrace of Wiaveu. |
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English (eng) |
327318 |
| | Yuemeye’s house. Note the white number painted on fence is one of MG's garden numbers for the garden mapping project. |
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English (eng) |
327319 |
| | MG's water pipe with Nilaundje's house in the background. |
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English (eng) |
327320 |
| | Yuvaronde’s house - the rafters have already been put on and it is time for thatching. Ymbaingac is standing behind MG. |
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English (eng) |
327321 |
| | MG hands up a bundle of kunai. All over the ground is pitpit left over from weaving the walls. They will be collected and used for another house.
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English (eng) |
327322 |
| | MG scrapes mud off his shoes. (Koum laughs because in Paris he never works this way). A little child helps him. Ourou is in background. |
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English (eng) |
327323 |
| | Ourambi and Igramaie thatching the roof. On right is a large daka plant. |
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English (eng) |
327324 |
| | Ourambi and Igramaie thatching the roof. On right is a large daka plant. |
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English (eng) |