Breast cancer workshop - Film (10', 2014) and Conference at Collège de France (2015)

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Barbara Glowczewski (id: collection 28)
ID ODSAS set 1756
Author(s) Glowczewski, Barbara
IdRef IdRef: 02689453X
Owner Barbara Glowczewski
URI /set/1756
Browse Access set
Year/Period 2014-2015
Publisher ODSAS
Access open
Number 2 Object(s)
Abstract Breast cancer worskhop organised with Warlpiri ladies, at the Warnayaka Art center in 2014, Lajamanu, Central Australia Analysis of this film and Warlpiri ritual body paintings (1979 16mm footage by B. gLowczewski)at the Conference The theatre of op ...
Object typology Movie rush / Videorecording
Language(s) fra, wbp

Table of Contents
Rank (id)Author(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
188522 Barbara Glowczewski2014Atelier prévention de cancer filmé à Lajamanu Lajamanu French (fra)
188523 2015Collège de France Paris French (fra)