Returning Indigenous knowledge in central Australia: 'this CD-ROM brings everybody to the mind'

Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Barbara Glowczewski (id: collection 28)
ID ODSAS set 834
Author(s) Glowczewski, Barbara
IdRef IdRef: 02689453X
Owner Barbara Glowczewski
URI /set/834
Browse Access set
Year/Period 2001
Publisher ODSAS
Access open
Number 16 Object(s)
Abstract Abstract: Many people in the modern world identify with a culture essentially transmitted through live or recorded images and sounds. Image and sound are at the core of the traditional transmission of knowledge for many Indigenous peoples. Today, mul ...
Object typology Field books / Manuscript
Language(s) eng, fra, wbp

Table of Contents
Rank (id)Author(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
86900 Barbara Glowczewski2001Returning Indigenous knowledge in central Australia. AIATSIS Conference 2001 English (eng)
86901 Barbara Glowczewski2001Returning Indigenous knowledge in central Australia. AIATSIS Conference 2001 English (eng)
86902 Barbara Glowczewski2001Returning Indigenous knowledge in central Australia. AIATSIS Conference 2001 English (eng)
86903 Barbara Glowczewski2001Returning Indigenous knowledge in central Australia. AIATSIS Conference 2001 English (eng)
86904 Barbara Glowczewski2001Returning Indigenous knowledge in central Australia. AIATSIS Conference 2001 English (eng)
86905 Barbara Glowczewski2001Returning Indigenous knowledge in central Australia. AIATSIS Conference 2001 English (eng)
86906 Barbara Glowczewski2001Returning Indigenous knowledge in central Australia. AIATSIS Conference 2001 English (eng)
86907 Barbara Glowczewski2001Returning Indigenous knowledge in central Australia. AIATSIS Conference 2001 English (eng)
86908 Barbara Glowczewski2001Returning Indigenous knowledge in central Australia. AIATSIS Conference 2001 English (eng)
86909 Barbara Glowczewski2001Returning Indigenous knowledge in central Australia. AIATSIS Conference 2001 English (eng)
86910 Barbara Glowczewski2001Returning Indigenous knowledge in central Australia. AIATSIS Conference 2001 English (eng)
86911 Barbara Glowczewski2001Returning Indigenous knowledge in central Australia. AIATSIS Conference 2001 English (eng)
86912 Barbara Glowczewski2001Returning Indigenous knowledge in central Australia. AIATSIS Conference 2001 English (eng)
86913 Barbara Glowczewski2001Returning Indigenous knowledge in central Australia. AIATSIS Conference 2001 English (eng)
86914 Barbara Glowczewski2001Returning Indigenous knowledge in central Australia. AIATSIS Conference 2001 English (eng)
86915 Barbara Glowczewski2001Returning Indigenous knowledge in central Australia. AIATSIS Conference 2001 English (eng)