Archives de chercheurs: Barbara GlowczewskiAudio of stories and songs, Lajamanu, Central Aus...70075>>
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The Yams from Waputarli and Yumurrpa
by Yulyulu Lorna Napurrurla, Lajamanu, 1984
translated from Warlpiri with Barbara Gibson Nakamarra (1984, 1995) and edited for the CD-ROM Dream trackers (UNESCO, 2000) by Barbara Glowczewski

Waputarli got a snake.
In Yumurrpa, too, there is a big snake...
wiyarrpa, ngarlajiyi nyinaja Jukurrpa
Poor one, Yam Dreaming was sitting there. He went underground in Waputarli.

Yarla, Puurda, the big yam and wapirti, the little Yam fought each other.

see  file 70079 for Yawulyu songs

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Archives de chercheurs: Barbara Glowczewski [Collection(s) 28]
Audio of stories and songs, Lajamanu, Central Australia, 1984 [Set(s) 709]
Meta data
Object(s) ID 70075
Permanent URI
Title/DescriptionThe yams from Waputarli and Yumurrpa
Author(s)Lorna Napurrurla Fencer
LocationLajamanu, Tanami Desert, Central Australia
Coordinateslat -35.27 / long 149.08
Copyright Barbara Glowczewski
Rank 1 / 83
Filesize ? Kb
Transcription[ See/hide ]
Tape 1 side 2
Quote this document Glowczewski, Barbara 1984/03/29 [accessed: 2025/3/14]. "The yams from Waputarli and Yumurrpa" (Object Id: 70075). In Audio of stories and songs, Lajamanu, Central Australia, 1984 . Tape : 1 side 2. ODSAS:
Annotation layer(s)Speaker: Lorna Napurrurla   (laughren: general notes)
Annotation layer(s)Subject: Yumurrpa (Cave Well), Wapurtali (Mt Singleton)   (laughren: general notes)